The following real estate transfers were recorded in the Office of Eliza Beasing, Recorder at the Atchison County Courthouse in Rock Port, Missouri.

Warranty Deed: Filed May 31, 2016 by Carol A. Clark to Joseph T. & Kayla A. Thomas, Section 28, Township 65, Range 41, Atchison County.
Warranty Deed With Reservation of Life Estate: Filed May 31, 2016 by Glenda K. Sloop to David B. Sloop, Section 3, Township 65, Range 42, Atchison County.
Beneficiary Deed: Filed June 1, 2016 by Stephen L. Brindle & Deborah May Kadene Hudson to Deborah May Kadene Hudson, Lots 49 & 48, Country Club Addition to Rock Port.
Warranty Deed: Filed June 1, 2016 Mark & Pamela O’Riley to Carol A. Clark, Lots 15 & 16, Foster Place Addition to Fairfax.