Respectfully submitted, City Clerk Ashtin Paris

The Rock Port Park Board met on Monday July 18, 2016 at 7 p.m. at the Rock Port Memorial Park. Members present were Greg Young, Tisha Jackson, Sheena Roup, Shauna Farmer, Lisa Farmer and Katey Kroeger. Also present were Alderman Todd Stevens and City Clerk Ashtin Paris.
The meeting was called to order by Lisa Farmer.
Shauna Farmer moved to approve the June 17, 2016 meeting minutes. Sheena Roup seconded. All votes aye.
Lisa Farmer moved to approve the June 2016 financials. Greg Young seconded. All votes aye.
Richard Fentiman reported to City Hall that the pool will be open daily through August 14th and then weekends after school starts. The pool will be open weekends according to guard availability. Shauna reported that no pool parties should be scheduled after August 14th.
Shauna Farmer reported that swimming lessons went very well. There were a lot of volunteers and 125 kids attended lessons. A mock swim meet was held on the last day of swimming lessons and it went very well. The Red Cross swimming lesson account paid for four lounge chairs for the pool.
Concrete projects were discussed. Three concrete pads need to be poured for the south ball field bleachers prior to the 2017 season. The park board requested an updated bid from the city for the concrete pads. Todd Stevens recommended checking with the Boy Scouts for Eagle Scout projects. Greg Young will check with the Boy Scouts to see if the concrete pad project could be done as an Eagle Scout project. A concrete path to the north ball field will be budgeted for 2017 to allow access to the new handicap accessible bleachers.
Sheena Roup reported that she and Lisa Farmer attended a Rotary meeting to discuss the walk/bike path. The Rotary Club asked a lot of questions and also gave recommendations for possible grants for the project. Lisa suggested visiting other communities that have walk/bike paths to help with ideas for the project.
Katey Kroeger suggested looking into grants for a splash pad. Members requested to look into grants for a new aquatic center.
City Clerk Ashtin Paris reported that the walk/bike path and swimming pool donation accounts have been opened. A $25.00 deposit is required to open the accounts. Once there is $1,000 in each account, the account may be changed to an interest bearing account. Clerk Paris also reported that the park board received a donation from the Ken Walker Memorial in the amount of $80 to be used for the swimming pool.
Work orders need to be made for the hole in fence at the north playground and to repair the picnic table at the concession stand. Sheena asked why the baby pool bathroom is still closed. Shauna reported that a part had to be ordered to repair the toilet.
The park board discussed fireworks in the City Park. Fireworks were being shot off in the shelter house and fireworks were left all over the park. Clerk Paris reported that there is a city ordinance prohibiting fireworks in the City Park. Members discussed advertising that fireworks may not be shot off in the park and also discussed having a sign with park rules.
Shauna Farmer moved to get bids for a video surveillance sign. Katey Kroeger seconded. All votes aye.
Lisa Farmer reported that the new camera is not working due to extreme temperatures. Shauna Farmer moved to move forward with the purchase of a new camera not to exceed $500. Greg Young seconded. All votes aye.
Lisa Farmer moved to remove the bushes by the park bathrooms and on the west side of the pool. Tisha Jackson seconded. All votes aye.
Tisha Jackson moved to reseed the park in 30 days. Shauna Farmer seconded. All votes aye.
The next meeting will be held August 24 at 6 p.m. at the Rock Port Memorial Park.
Tisha Jackson moved to adjourn. Katey Kroeger seconded. All votes aye.