The following marriage licenses were recorded in the office of Eliza Beasing, Atchison County Recorder at the Atchison County Courthouse in Rock Port, Missouri.

Filed August 15, 2016 by Matthew Scott Campbell, 31, to Mallory Janae Grosso, 29, both of Sidney, Iowa. Married in Tarkio, Missouri on August 13, 2016 by Glen R. Armstrong II, Exhorter.

Filed August 16, 2016 by Kyle Francis Buhman, 24, to Kember Lee Ann Wooten, 26, both of Westboro, Missouri. Married in Rock Port, Missouri on August 16, 2016 by Judge Corey K.Herron.

Filed August 18, 2016 by William Scott Daugherty, 22, Rock Port, Missouri to Kelly Nicole Brown, 21, Fairfax, Missouri. Married in Fairfax, Missouri on August 13, 2016 by Rev. Glen R. Scott.