The Commission met on Thursday, August 11, 2016. Present were: Presiding Commissioner Curtis Livengood; North District Commissioner David P. Chapin; and South District Commissioner Richard Burke. Susette Taylor, Clerk of the Commission was absent.
Presiding Commissioner Curtis Livengood called the meeting to order.
Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.
Bills were reviewed, approved and ordered paid.
Maintenance Supervisor Greg Beck presented information to purchase a blade for the truck the county purchased from the Sheriff’s department for pushing snow at the courthouse during the winter months. The blade requires a special attachment and there are no local vendors that can supply the needed materials or blade. Greg presented two bids, the first from Western with a total cost of $5,053.00 and the second from Snow Dogg with a total cost of $3,936.00 installed. South District Commissioner Richard Burke made a motion to accept the bid from Snow Dogg. Motion was seconded by North District Commissioner David Chapin. There being no further discussion, the motion was approved as follows: Chapin – yes; Burke – yes and Livengood – yes.
At 10:00 a.m. Presiding Commissioner Curtis Livengood opened the public hearing to set the 2016 levy rates for Atchison County General Revenue; Atchison County Road and Bridge; Special Road and Bridge; SB-40; Senior Citizens Services and the Landfill.
There were no citizens present for the hearing.
The first 2016 Levy Rate was for the Atchison County General Revenue Fund. South District Commissioner Richard Burke made a motion to approve the state approved rate of .4887. North District Commissioner David Chapin seconded the motion. Presiding Commissioner Curtis Livengood asked for discussion, there being none, he called for a roll call vote to approve the proposed levy rate. Vote was as follows: Burke – yes; Chapin – yes and Livengood – yes.
The next 2016 Levy Rate presented at the hearing was for the Atchison County Road & Bridge Fund. South District Commissioner Richard Burke made a motion to approve the state approved rate of .4887. North District Commissioner David Chapin seconded the motion. Presiding Commissioner Curtis Livengood asked for discussion, there being none, he called for a roll call vote to approve the proposed levy rate. Vote was as follows: Burke – yes; Chapin – yes and Livengood – yes.
South District Commissioner Richard Burke made a motion to re-establish the voter approved ceiling to .1000 for the Atchison County Solidwaste Landfill. The County needs to keep this voter approved levy in place due to the financial requirements with the DNR permitting. North District Commission David Chapin seconded the motion to re-establish the voter approved ceiling to .1000. Presiding Commissioner Curtis Livengood asked for discussion, there being none, he called for a roll call vote to approve the proposed levy rate. Vote was as follows: Burke – yes; Chapin – yes and Livengood – yes.
The 2016 Levy Rate for the Atchison County Solid Waste Landfill was presented next at the hearing. The state approved levy for the Solid Waste Landfill was .0000, due to prior voluntary rollbacks. This public hearing the commission has voted to reestablish that ceiling. South District Commissioner Richard Burke made a motion to do a voluntary rollback of the reestablished rate of .1000 to .0000 since no additional revenue is needed at this time to fund the landfill. North District Commissioner David Chapin seconded the motion. Presiding Commissioner Curtis Livengood asked for discussion, there being none, he called for a roll call vote to approve the proposed levy rollback. Vote was as follows: Burke – yes; Chapin – yes and Livengood – yes.
The next 2016 Levy Rate presented at the hearing was for the Atchison County Senate Bill 40. North District Commissioner David Chapin made a motion to approve the state approved rate of .0978. South District Commissioner Richard seconded the motion. Presiding Commissioner Curtis Livengood asked for discussion, there being none, he called for a roll call vote to approve the proposed levy rate. Vote was as follows: Burke – yes; Chapin – yes and Livengood – yes.
The 2016 Atchison County Senior Services Atchison County Senior Services Levy Rate was presented next at the hearing. South District Commissioner Burke made a motion to approve the state approved rate of .0488. North District Commissioner David Chapin seconded the motion. Presiding Commissioner Curtis Livengood asked for discussion, there being none, he called for a roll call vote to approve the proposed levy rollback. Vote was as follows: Burke – yes; Chapin – yes and Livengood – yes.
The final 2016 Levy Rate presented at the hearing was for the Atchison County Special Road and Bridge Fund. North District Commissioner David Chapin made a motion to approve the state approved rate of .3500. South District Commissioner Richard Burke seconded the motion. Presiding Commissioner Curtis Livengood asked for discussion, there being none, he called for a roll call vote to approve the proposed levy rollback. Vote was as follows: Burke – yes; Chapin – yes and Livengood – yes.
Rates approved for 2016 tax year –
County General – .4887
Atchison County Road & Bridge – .4887
Solid Waste Landfill – roll back to .0000
Senate Bill 40 – .0978
Senior Citizens – .0488
Atchison County Special Road – .3500
There being no further rates to be presented at the public hearing, South District Commissioner moved to close the hearing and reopen the regular session. North District Commissioner Chapin seconded the motion, all in favor, motion carried.
The commission adjourned.
The Commission met on Tuesday, August 16, 2016. Present were: Presiding Commissioner Curtis Livengood; North District Commissioner David P. Chapin; South District Commissioner Richard Burke; and Susette Taylor, Clerk of the Commission.
Presiding Commissioner Curtis Livengood called the meeting to order.
Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.
Bills were reviewed, approved and ordered paid.
Mr. Jason Garst and Mr. Garry Garst board members of the Atchison County Levee District #1 representing L-561; L-550 and L-536 were present to provide the Commission with a copy of the Department of the Army Corps of Engineers Inspection Report dated July 19, 2016. Emergency Management Director Rhonda Wiley was also present for the meeting, as she is actively working with the District on the SWIF Plan.
The report indicated that the levee was inspected October 14, 2015 to November 14, 2015. The report provided overall system ratings for each segment of the levee, which included minimally acceptable and unacceptable rating on things that had never been addressed in any prior inspections or reports provided to the district by the Corp.
Since receiving the report, the board members have submitted a Letter of Intent (LOI) to submit a System Wide Improvement Framework (SWIF) plan to correct the levee deficiencies. The LOI was approved by HQ US Army Corp of Engineers on February 2, 2015. The approved LOI provides the project with a “Conditionally Active” status in the PL84-99 program and eligibility for rehabilitation assistance. The conditional active status will remain as long as progress is made to create the SWIF plan and then execute it based on reasonable milestones. Atchison County LD #1 has two years to generate a SWIF plan that must be submitted to the Omaha District by February 2, 2017.
The board members reported that work has already actively begun on the SWIF plan, as well as working to correct the areas found unacceptable in the inspection. This is an over-whelming task as the board oversees 54 miles of levee in Atchison County.
Two roads that are maintained by the Atchison County Special Road and Bridge that run adjacent to or over the levee had deficiencies in a couple areas that will require attention. The Commission will set a time to meet with the board, Director Wiley and Supervisor Meyer to implement a plan to address and correct the concerns.
In closing the Commission offered assistance with organizing some land owner meetings or speak with regional, state or federal officials if they felt that may be helpful.
Board members thanked the Commission for their time and agreed to keep the lines of communication open.
Mrs. Beverly Clinkingbeard was in to inquire about the AG Ready County Designation. She requested a copy of the application and had questions about the program.
Anita Robertson was in to report a washout on her road and would like to have it looked at and fixed.
Clerk Taylor presented pictures to the Commission provided by Midwest Data of the speakers on top the courthouse clock tower. The pictures show that the speakers are badly damaged and the cable to them is damaged. There was hope that there might be a way to fix them with minimal expense. The commission will continue to explore options at this time.
The commission adjourned.
The Commission met on Thursday, August 18, 2016. Present were: Presiding Commissioner Curtis Livengood; North District Commissioner David P. Chapin; South District Commissioner Richard Burke; and Susette Taylor, Clerk of the Commission.
Presiding Commissioner Curtis Livengood called the meeting to order.
Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.
Bills were reviewed, approved and ordered paid.
Road and Bridge Supervisor Adam Meyer, was in to report on department matters.
The commission adjourned.