The Rock Port Board of Aldermen met Wednesday August 17, 2016 at 6 p.m. with Mayor Pro Tem Todd Stevens presiding in the absence of Mayor Jeff Seaman. Present were Aldermen Chris Chamberlain, Todd Stevens and Tim Taylor. Alderman Shawn Shineman was absent. Also present were City Superintendent Trevor Hale, Utility Clerk Terri McGuire, Chief of Police Shannon Sherwood and City Clerk Ashtin Paris. Visitors present were Jody and Breanna Vansickle.
Mayor Pro Tem Todd Stevens called the meeting to order.
Chamberlain moved to approve the meeting agenda. Taylor seconded. All votes aye.
Taylor moved to approve the July 20, 2016 meeting minutes. Chamberlain seconded. All votes aye.
The 2016 tax rate hearing was held. No citizens were present to object.
Jody and Breanna Vansickle were present as the new owners of Double M Towing. They would like to have the tow lot at their residence in the future and asked what they needed to have the lot at their property. A meeting with the planning commission will need to be scheduled to request a special use permit. Fencing will also be required due to the City’s junk vehicle ordinance. Following approval from the planning commission, a public hearing will be held at the Board of Aldermen before the Board of Aldermen may vote on the matter.
Taylor moved to approve the City financial statements, accounts payables, sales tax reports, delinquent tax list, and all board and departmental reports. Chamberlain seconded. All votes aye.
Chamberlain moved to approve the Utility financial statements, accounts payables, purchased power and water statements, take or pay water use report, water loss reports, Utility Clerk report, and Superintendent report. Taylor seconded. All votes aye.
Bill # 1169 – 2016 tax rate – was read. Taylor moved to approve the 1st reading. Stevens seconded. Roll call vote was taken. Chamberlain, Stevens & Taylor voted aye, nay – none, absent – Shineman. Chamberlain moved to approve the 2nd reading. Taylor seconded. Roll call vote was taken. Chamberlain, Stevens & Taylor voted aye, nay – none, absent – Shineman. Mayor Pro Tem Todd Stevens declared Bill # 1169, Ordinance # 1169.
Chamberlain moved to approve delinquent utility account litigation. Taylor seconded. All votes aye.
Taylor moved to approve the application for special event permit – fireworks from Reed Martin. Chamberlain seconded. All votes aye.
Chief of Police Shannon Sherwood reported that active shooter training was held at the school on August 16th. Rock Port Police Department also attended first responder training, taser training, and MIRMA firearms training.
City Superintendent Trevor Hale reported that Cass Street from Main Street to Water Street will be closed beginning Monday August 22nd and will remain closed until project completion. Hale reported with the purchase of the new dump truck the City has been able to haul hot mix asphalt for street improvement projects. The steam roller is up and running and is being used for the asphalt projects. Hale plans to check into pricing for an oil truck to be used for future asphalt projects.
Aldermen Stevens, Chamberlain and Taylor commended Supt. Hale and the city crew for the work being done on the streets. They have heard many compliments from the community about the work being done.
Stevens questioned the tower water loss on the water loss report. Hale reported the change in percentage was due to a water leak. The city crew continues to locate and fix water leaks and the overall leakage percentage is still trending downward.
Supt. Hale discussed the compost site and brush pile with the Board of Aldermen. Once street projects are completed, gates will be put up at the site, commercial businesses will not be able to dump at the site, and dumping times will need to be narrowed. Continued abuse of the compost site and brush pile could result in the loss of the compost site. Hale would like to get an article in the paper about the history of the compost site, how it is to be used and what could happen if abuse continues. In the future, Hale would like to have one designated dump site for the brush pile so brush is not being dumped all over the site.
Taylor moved to adjourn. Chamberlain seconded. All votes aye.