Fairfax’s king and queen candidates (pictured above, left to right) are
Alex Carroll, Kaitlyn Gibbons, Alyssa Garrison, and Mason Straub.

The East Atchison Wolves, Fairfax and Tarkio High School athletes and students are celebrating Fall Homecoming this week. The theme is “Olympics: Go For The Gold!”
Fairfax students will celebrate homecoming with the following dress-up days:
• Tuesday – Team USA (red, white and blue U.S.A. gear)
• Wednesday – “Wacky Wednesday” (favorite Olympic gear, such as swimming goggles, etc.)
• Thursday – “Beach Volleyball” (Hawaiian shirts, leis, etc.)
• Friday – “Go For The Gold” (School Spirit Day, with gold necklaces and anything gold related).
The Fairfax classes will be competing with each other in the areas of dress up participation, window painting, hallway decoration, and banner.
It will be big vs. little Wednesday, September 7, when the East Atchison Youth Wolves Football Team takes on the East Atchison Wolves. The game will begin at 6:00 p.m. at the Fairfax football field.
A jersey auction will begin at 7:00 p.m., followed by speeches by the coaches and senior players. A bonfire will begin at approximately 8:15 p.m. at Fairfax.
The homecoming parade will begin at 1:15 p.m. on Friday, September 9, on Main Street in Tarkio, followed by a pep rally at Kyle Field and M. David Palmeiro Stadium. The homecoming football game will begin at 7:00 p.m. against DeKalb at the football field in Fairfax.
The Fairfax CTA will have a Tailgate/BBQ before the game, from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. They will serve pulled beef sandwiches, chips, baked beans, desserts and a drink for a free will donation.
The East Atchison cheerleaders will perform at half time, and the homecoming coronation will follow the game. Fairfax’s king and queen candidates are Alex Carroll, Mason Straub, Kaitlyn Gibbons, and Alyssa Garrison.
Homecoming festivities will conclude with a dance at Fairfax after the game.