As we ring in the New Year, saying goodbye to 2016 and welcoming 2017, Farmer Publishing will be making a switch in the publication of the three newspapers in Atchison County. Beginning with the January 5, 2017 weekly edition, Farmer Publishing will publish one newspaper, the Atchison County Mail. Although the publication will carry the name of Atchison County Mail, the combination paper will serve as a continuation of all three county weeklies. We will print each newspaper’s banner within the pages, along with space dedicated to each town and school’s activities and events. Given the history of all three periodicals, this was not an easy decision to make. As one county newspaper, Farmer Publishing feels that we will be better able to serve and cover the county news and happenings.
As Atchison County evolves, we feel that this is the best way to get the news of the week to everyone in a timely and cost efficient manner. We will continue to have staffed offices open in both Fairfax and Tarkio for community members to drop off stories, pictures and payments; as well as coverage for local events. We know that change is sometimes hard and we want our dedicated readers to know that we have not taken this decision lightly. We feel this change will not only benefit our readers, but will benefit our advertisers as well. Local advertisers will be able to reach out to the entire county by advertising in one paper. We also hope to increase our advertisers with the increased number of readers within the county. All 2016 subscriptions to the Fairfax Forum and the Tarkio Avalanche will expire with the December 29, 2016 issues.
Beginning with the date of this September 22, 2016 saturation issue you may purchase, or renew your subscription to your local and newly combined Atchison County Mail. Subscriptions for an entire year for all residents in Atchison, Holt and Nodaway County, will be $45. All out of county residents will pay $55 for a year subscription. You may mail your subscription payment to A.C. Mail, PO Box 40, Rock Port, MO 64482, or visit any of the county newspaper offices to place your subscription.
Coming soon you will have the option of both print or on-line subscription available at
We feel that you would be hard pressed to find another set of three family-owned, small town newspapers in a rural county with our population. We will strive to continue to bring you the local A.C. news and advertising each week as we set off on this new adventure.
Starting in January 2017 One County Newspaper
September 21, 2016