The Tarkio R-I Board of Education met on Thursday, September 22, 2016, at 7:00 p.m. at Tarkio High School. The meeting was called to order by Board President Steve Klute with everyone reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. Board members in attendance were Chris Yates, Corey Lesher, Lydia Hurst, Rachel Graves, Jamie Barnett, Bruce Lang, Steve Klute, and board secretary, Diane Hicks. Others attending the meeting included Tarkio R-I Interim Superintendent Rob Dowis, Tarkio Elementary Principal Dr. Deborah Taylor, Tarkio High School Principal Carrie Livengood, H.T. Adams, Dustin Lambertsen, Mark Staten, Joe Unternahrer, Renee Hull, Jayne Martin, Dr. Mike Jinks, and Stephanie Parsons.
Dr. Mike Jinks, MARE representative, attended the meeting to provide information and guidance to set a superintendent search in motion. The board members voted unanimously to enter into an agreement with MARE to pursue candidates for the open superintendent’s position.
The agenda was adopted as presented. Meeting minutes from August 18, 2016, were approved, as well as the transfer of incidental funds to special revenue to pay certificated salaries. District obligations were also approved.
A thank you note was received from the kitchen staff for the purchase of the new dishwasher.
The CTA report was filled with many happenings from the elementary, junior high, and high school.
Jayne Martin, kindergarten teacher, reported on the kindergarten zoo trip, attended by 22 students and parents.
Renee Hull, first grade teacher, reported on the apple orchard field trip with 25 students and parents attending. She announced that Lauren Clark is student teaching in the first grade.
Mr. Staten, 7-9 English teacher, reported he is enjoying his position in the Tarkio School District.
Stephanie Parsons, 7-12 Business teacher, reported on the many offerings through the business department.
Dustin Lambertsen reported on national conventions, National Choir, and gave an update on the Monsanto Grant. He requested an extended FFA trip to the national convention. Colin Joesting and Troy Wennihan have qualified for the National Chorus. Mr. Lambertsen also requested approval for the extended trip for the FFA members to attend. His requests were approved.
Board members also approved an extended trip for FCCLA members to attend the Fall Leadership Conference.
Mr. Dowis reported that REAP funds had been drawn down for the 2014 and 2015 school years. The board was given the state payment information from July, August, and September for informational purposes.
Mr. Dowis also reported the ASBR was submitted with remarks. Two of the remarks need additional information.
There was discussion on nepotism, conflict of interest and financial disclosure policy and regulation.
Board members voted unanimously to approve Gary Riley’s bus route.
Joe Unternahrer reported on the Wolves’ co-op meeting. The co-op members will be meeting monthly to resolve any issues that need to be addressed.
Dr. Taylor reported that the elementary enrollment for August is 187 students. Attendance was steady at 98%. The elementary has also elected an elementary student council.
Carrie Livengood reported the enrollment for grades 7-12 is at 122 students with a 98% attendance for August.
Information was given to the board about the Regional Meeting on Education.
H.T. Adams, Administrative Assistant, reported the most recent purchases of laptops have been distributed. The elementary teachers received 23, and 30 new laptops are going to the high school students. A new dishwasher was very much needed in the kitchen. The old one was found to have been in use for 40 years. Board members voted unanimously to approve the purchase of a new dishwasher.
Board members also voted unanimously to approve the extra duty pay of $2,000 for Mr. Thomson.
Rachel Graves moved and Corey Lesher seconded to amend the finals proposal as recommended by the PLC team. The motion carried 5-2. Board members voting yes were Corey Lesher, Lydia Hurst, Bruce Lang, Rachel Graves, and Steve Klute. Those voting no were Jamie Barnett and Chris Yates.
The meeting went into closed session at 10:45 p.m. At 11:44 p.m., open session resumed and the board unanimously voted to hire Glen Cohn for the vacant custodial position. The board also voted unanimously to pay Mr. Dowis $3,000 for the month of September. The meeting adjourned at 11:45 p.m.