Pictured with the Carrollton Band Day trophy’s are Ally Demott, Melanie Wilson, Kaycee Davis and Dayle Davis.
Saturday, September 24, 2016 the RPHS Marching Blue Jays left in the wee hours of the morning for Carrollton Band Day, where they competed in parade, field, and indoor auxiliary competition.
Band Director Abby Palmer said “The kids did a great job at Carrollton, especially with it being so early in the season. Looking forward to cleaning and tweaking for our next several competitions!”
They brought home three trophies: 5th in Parade, 3rd in Field and 3rd in Indoor Auxiliary.
Pictured at Clarinda’s SW Iowa Band Jamboree with the band’s 3rd Place trophy are Dayle Davis, Melanie Wilson, Ally Demott and Kaycee Davis.
Saturday, October 1, 2016, The RPHS Marching Blue Jays traveled to Clarinda’s SW Iowa Band Jamboree!
The RPHS Marching Blue Jays placed 4th out of 21 bands in the Clarinda 1A Parade Competition!
Band Director Abby Palmer said “Its been many years since Rock Port has placed within the top 8 in Clarinda!”
Competitions coming up:
Trenton- Missouri Day’s October 15
Northwest Missouri State University Homecoming Parade October 29