Submitted By: Teresa Morehouse, Victim Advocate

Following are the local statics for C.A.R.E. of Atchison County. C.A.R.E. Annual Report for January 01, 2015 through December 31, 2015
Number of clients Sheltered 1 Number of Bed nights 1
Clients receiving shelter and non-shelter support services
Crisis intervention 134 non-duplicated
Case Management 780
ER Legal Advocacy 118
ER Financial Advocacy 11
Medical Advocacy 8
Transportation 291
Crisis/Hotline Calls 36
Infor/Refer/Tele contact 252
Support Groups 36

Total # of support services provided 1666 . Provided 75 victims with 464 counseling sessions with Licensed Professional Counselors. Total s are for the 2015 calendar year, not grant cycle.