Alexis Baucom is the daughter of Justin and Elinor Baucom. Her high school activities include volleyball, basketball, track, art club, weightlifting and NHS. Alexis plans to major in Graphic Design and minor in photography.
Jackie Bradley is the daughter of Joe and Amy Bradley. She has one sister Abby who is a sophomore. Jackie’s activities include: volleyball, basketball, track, cheerleading, dance, NHS, FBLA, FCCLA and Jays for Jesus. Jackie plans to attend college and major in Health Services Administration.
Journi Burke is the daughter of Dr. Aron and Joanna Burke. Her brothers are Alex, a freshman and Aidan a 6th grader. Journi’s activities include: volleyball, basketball, track, FCCLA, FBLA, NHS and Jays for Jesus. After high school she plans to attend the University of Missouri-Kansas City and pursue a career in healthcare.
Dayle Davis is the daughter of Jeremy and Jill Davis. She has one sister Beth who is a freshman. Dayle’s high school activites include: Volleyball, basketball, track, NHS, FCCLA, FBLA, FCA, Flag Corps, Peer Counselors, Jays for Jesus, Art Club, and band. She has also been the class secretary and class president. Dayle plans to attend college and major in pre-med or nursing.
Hannah Mace is the daughter of Jeff and Angela Mace and Steve and Chiara Ahl. Her siblings include Jenassey a 5th grader, Henley a 1st grader and Jayden, Steven and Cambri Ahl. Hannah’s activities include: volleyball, cross country, track, FBLA, FCCLA NHS and Jays for Jesus. Hannah plans to attend Missouri State University in Springfield.
Cortney LaHue is the Daughter of Troy and Jennifer LaHue. She has one brother Kalen who is a freshman. Cortney’s high school activities include: Volleyball, basketball, track, FBLA, FFA and Jays for Jesus. Cortney plans to attend Missouri State University.
Megan Stevens is the daughter of Todd and Tricia Stevens. She has two brothers Colten, a 7th grader and Dalton, a sophomore. Megan’s high school activities include: Volleyball, cheerleading, track, FCCCLA, FCA, FBLA, dance team, NHS and Jays for Jesus. Megan plans to join the Nebraska National Guard and after completing Basic Combat Training and Advanced Individual training attend the University of Nebraska Omaha and major in Civil Engineering.