Following are the unapproved minutes from the October 13, 2016 Regular Meeting of the Rock Port R-II Board of Education. President Rich Dewhirst called the regular meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Other members present were Afton Schomburg, Rochelle Henagan, Harold Lawrence, Dan Lucas, and Clay Vogler. Member Jeremy Davis was absent. Also present were Elementary Principal Steve Waigand, Superintendent Craig Walker, Board Secretary Debbie Young, Teresa Mertens, and Lynn Hunter.
The agenda was adopted and the minutes of the regular meeting of September 8, 2016 were approved. Mr. Walker reviewed the financial information for the month ending September 2016. The transfer of funds, the September final check register, October check register to date, and the activity account checks were approved.
Mr. Waigand reported September attendance for the elementary was 97.45% (182 students). First and Third grades led the way with 98.62%!
It was noted that Mrs. Kemerling was supervising at the volleyball games. Her report was reviewed in her absence. Several upcoming dates and activities were noted. September attendance for the JH and HS was 96.74%, attendance year-to-date is 97.16%, and enrollment for grades 7 – 12 is 159. Classroom reports were received from Mrs. Miller and Mr. Herron.
Mr. Walker reported on the district’s overall state assessment results from 2015-16 along with comparisons to our surrounding school districts. He stated that he was very impressed with what our students and staff have accomplished, and that the state will be releasing these scores very soon. Mr. Walker reviewed the progress on the track repairs and noted Midwest Tennis & Track should be here the end of the month. The district’s food service review and Title 1 review were also noted.
The board proceeded to address several items of new business. Action was taken to approve the 2016-2017 Vo-Tech Transportation contract with Tarkio R-I. Consideration was given to the sealed bids for salvage of the W. Bluff St. property. Only one bid was received, and the board accepted the bid of $200 from Scott Morehouse. Action was taken to approve the annual MARE membership and to employ Dixie Teten as a paraprofessional for the remainder of the 2016-2017 school year. The meeting was then adjourned.
Notes from the October Meeting of the Rock Port R-II BOE
November 1, 2016