The Rock Port Booster Club once again sponsored the youth basketball league for students in all of Atchison County in grades K – 3 (co-ed).
The purpose of this league is to develope fundamental basketball skills, while having fun, for this reason score is not be kept during games.
The goal is to have each player receive individual attention from coaches consisting of local volunteers. An emphasis is placed on learning the basic skills of basketball and reinforcing teamwork.
The League practices/ games are played the last Saturday in October and the first three Saturdays in November. Each division begins with a 25 minute practice followed by a game consisting of five (6) minute sessions. Each team plays one game per Saturday for a total of four games.
The youth season is half over, but there is still time for you to catch a game in the Rock Port High School gym.
The lowered baskets and lighter balls were provided for the youth basketball program by the Morgan Trust in Rock Port.
The coach volunteers are up to the task as they give of their time and skills to emphasize the fun and development of the game of basketball.
Rock Port Booster Club K – 3 (co-ed) Basketball League
November 9, 2016