The following land transfers were filed in the office of Eliza Beasing, Recorder, at the Atchison County Courthouse in Rock Port, Missouri:

Warranty Deed – Filed January 13, 2017, by Donald and Amanda Smith, and Zachary and Katherine Smith to Michael and Dana Tracy and Danny and Alice Kemerling, for Lots 15, 16, 17, 18, Block 12, original Plat, Fairfax, Missouri.

Warranty Deed – Filed January 13, 2017, by Spencer and Lindsey Barnes to Lindsey Barnes for land in Section 31, Township 64, Range 38, Atchison County.

Trustee’s Deed – Filed January 13, 2017, by Lesa Lou McCartney, Trustee of the McCartney Irrevocable Trust, to Kinsey McCartney for land in Section 12, Township 64, Range 41, Atchison County.

Trustee’s Deed – Filed January 13, 2017, by Lesa Lou McCartney, Trustee of the McCartney Irrevocable Trust, to Courtney Gerster for land in Section 12, Township 64, Range 41, Atchison County.

Beneficiary Deed – Filed January 13, 2017, by Kinsey McCartney to Courtney Gerster for land in Section 12, Township 64, Range 41, Atchison County.

Beneficiary Deed – Filed January 13, 2017, by Courtney Gerster to Kinsey McCartney for land in Section 12, Township 64, Range 41, Atchison County

Warranty Deed – Filed January 9, 2017, by Leslie and William Baker, and Laura and Beau Davis to Larry Eilers for land in Sections 25, 23, and 26, Township 65, Range 41, Atchison County.

Trustee’s Warranty Deed – Filed January 9, 2017, by James Clifford Smith, Trustee of the Luretta R. Smith Revocable Trust, to James Clifford Smith, Trustee of the James C. Smith Revocable Trust, for land in Section 6, Township 65, Range 39; Section 30, Township 65, Range 38; and Sections 28, 31 and 32, Township 66, Range 39.

Quit Claim Deed – Filed January 23, 2017, by Rodney G. and Marsha Meinders to Rodney G. and Marsha Meinders for Outlot Lots 4 and 5, Block 12, and Lots 3 and 4, Block 12, Watson, Missouri.

Quit Claim Deed – Filed January 23, 2017, by Rodney G. and Marsha Meinders to Rodney G. and Marsha Meinders for Lots 7, 8, and 9, Block 4, Watson, Missouri.

Quit Claim – Filed January 23, 2017, by Rodney G. and Marsha Meinders to Rodney G. and Marsha Meinders for Lots 8 and 9, Block 13, Watson, Missouri.

Warranty Deed – Filed January 24, 2017, by Cavin Joesting and Emily C. Eiberger to Joshua D. Sierks for land in Section 24, Township 66, Range 41, Atchison County, Missouri.

Warranty Deed – Filed January 26, 2017, by Larry and Jocelyn Eilers to Leslie Baker and Laura Davis for land in Section 24, Township 65, Range 41, Atchison County, Missouri.