Submitted by Gary G. Bogenreif
Rock Port Golf & Country Club Annual Meeting was held on January 25, 2017. Meeting was called to order by Gary Bogenreif at 6 p.m.
Reviewed 2016 Fiscal Year Finances: A question concerning the alcohol sales was asked and the board will look in to the question and get back to the members.
Discussed Outstanding 2016 Bills: There is a significant amount of dollars still owed to many vendors. The board will prioritize them with the local ones to be paid first. The rest will be paid as funds come in during the next several months.
Reviewed 2016 Improvements: Discussed many improvements including the purchase of a new zero-turn mower and sealing the pond.
Plans for 2017: Discussed the hiring of a new Consultant/Manager for the course. There was a question concerning his contract. Board committed to provide it when it is completed and signed. Much knowledge can be gained from the new consultant to improve the golf course especially the greens. A used greens sprayer and fairway mower will be purchased from the Falls City course, plus the manager has promised to let us borrow other equipment for the course. Board committed to adhering to a monthly budget and to significantly reduce expenses. Several events to increase income have been planned including Fish Fry, Pool Tourney, and intense campaigning for donations at the fundraiser kick-off golf event in May.
Discussed 2017 Tournament Schedule: Some questions about the schedule with a final copy attached to these meeting notes.
Elected New Board Members: Two positions were up for election. Gary G. Bogenreif nominated Reid Hunter and Robert Gibson seconded it. There was no other nomination. Reid will return as a board member and the second one will be filled through the board.
Open Discussion: Troy Cook proposed that the board look at going to the city about managing the course. There was much discussion from many members, which included letting the Board have a chance to manage the course this year. After the lengthy discussion a motion was made by Gary G. Bogenreif to table the city discussion untill later in the year. The motion was seconded by Charlee Garst and the vote was 9 yeas to 1 no. The motion carried. No open date for the course set yet. It will depend on the weather and the condition of the greens.
Move to close the meeting by Gary G. Bogenreif and seconded by Troy Cook.
Meeting adjourned at 7:18 p.m.