Local Ralph Greer American Legion Post 49 members along with the Allen-Schiffern American Legion Post 199 and John Richards American Legion Post 284 retired an American Flag during the flag retirement ceremony in front of the Atchison County Courthouse during County Government Day.

Tuesday, April 11, 2017, was anything but normal for the Atchison County Courthouse, when students from Rock Port, Fairfax and Tarkio joined in the daily activities. County Government Day is put together as a joint effort between the local American Legion Posts and their Auxiliary Units, county officials and local law enforcement agencies. For future voters, awareness of the workings of our county government in their lives and to get a feel for what is done right here in their county, are important steps. Kicking off the 63rd Annual Atchison County Government Day Presiding Commissioner Curt Livengood welcomed the students followed by the Pledge of Allegiance led by Kelly Daugherty, American Legion Post #49 (Rock Port). Sheriff Dennis Martin sang the national anthem and gave the opening invocation. Next up for the students was a “Live Court” experience with the Honorable Judge Corey Herron presiding, with Prosecuting Attorney, Brett Hurst and Sheriff Dennis Martin. The reactions are always different when the students attend actual live court. Some have never been that close to a judge in a courthouse setting and find out what he does on a weekly basis. Officers of the court outlined their duties as they were addressed during court. After greetings and a call to order by Tim Morehouse, Commander of American Legion Port #199 (Tarkio), students were presented with an official flag folding ceremony by the local American Legion Posts. The Freedom Pledge and purpose of County Government Day was presented by the American Legion Auxiliary.Presiding Commissioner Curt Livengood introduced each county official. As they were introduced each county official briefly outlined what their office duties entailed. Following introductions Jerry Baker with the University of Missouri Extension pointed out facts about and gave a history summary of Atchison County. Theresa Moorehouse and Nikki Graves with C.A.R.E of Atchison County spoke with the attendees about the different services they offer here in Atchison County, such as: Info/referral to counselors. Emotional support. Court, medical, and personal advocacy. Community education. 3 night emergency shelter. 24/7 hotline.They also informed everyone about the different people they work with within the Atchison County Government. One office is the Circuit Clerk, who files the protection orders they assist their clients with. Another process that includes several different county employees is the court process their clients go through. The Rock Port/Tarkio Police Departments and the Sheriff’s Department call out C.A.R.E when an advocate is needed on scene. The group then moved outside as the American Legions presented an official American Flag retirement ceremony. Students watched from the courthouse lawn as the proper ceremony was given to retired American flags. As students assembled back in the court room, Linda Payton with the American Legion Auxiliary Unit #199 (Tarkio) gave closing remarks and answered any questions. Sheriff Dennis Martin gave the invocation as students took a lunch break and were provided sandwiches, chips, relishes, cookies and a beverage. After lunch, certificates were presented to the students as the 63rd Atchison County Government Day came to a close.



Atchison County’s Prosecuting Attorney, Brett Hurst, speaks with area teens during County Government Day.