What an honor for Kyra Mills to have the Atchison County Wholesale Water Commission dedicate the “Kyra K. Mills Water Treatment Facility” on April 19, 2017. Thank you for your hard work Kyra.

The Rock Port Optimist Club’s annual youth track meet will be held on May 7, 2017. Information and entry forms will be sent home with students and will also be available at the Atchison County Mail office. Participants may register on the day of the meet from 1:00-1:45. The track meet starts at 2:00 p.m. A concession stand will be available.

Don’t forget the City Wide Garage Sales this week in Rock Port & Tarkio! Rock Port maps may be picked up at FC Food Country & Rock Port Casey’s. Tarkio maps may be picked up at Torrey Pines & Tarkio Casey’s.