It’s spring and time for a spruce up and cleaning time in Fairfax. Fairfax Improvement Foundation is sponsoring and promoting a week of cleanup, April 24 – 29, before Graduation and Alumni Banquet in Fairfax. Let’s get some rakes going, paint and brushes swishing, window washing scheduled, yard appearances improved, etc. for both downtown and home fronts.
The Fairfax Improvement Foundation will have a large dumpster at the northwest side of the Fairfax City Park on Saturday only, April 29 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. The following restrictions for the dumpster will be enforced: We cannot take hazardous waste, liquid paint, tires, batteries, oils, white goods (washers, dryers, stoves, etc.) or yard waste. If disposing televisions and computers you will have to record the name and address of where it came from to the person(s) manning the dumpster.
Fairfax may be diminishing in population numbers, but we have not diminished our passion and pride for this small town of wonderful people and its great place to live, raise a family or enjoy retirement. Please help keep Fairfax in the know and show!
For more information or assistance please call 816-805-8272.
Cleanup time for Fairfax
April 26, 2017