The Fairfax R-3 School Board met May 18, 2017. Board President Josh Oswald called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Other board members present included Chris Smith, Sam O’Riley, Mike Lewis, Jon Graves, Doug Miller and Marshal Oswald. Others present included Superintendent Michael Garrett, Principal Dustin Barnes, and secretary Karen Burke.
Josh Oswald presented the agenda. The agenda was approved as presented. The board reviewed the minutes from the April 11 reorganizational, regular and executive meetings and the April 11 executive meeting. The board reviewed the financial report and the monthly reconciliation report indicating a liquid balance of $571,161.73 as of April 30, 2017. Dr. Garrett reviewed the fund balance with the board, indicating a total balance of all institutions at $1,038,093.69 as of May 18, 2017. The May monthly bills in the amount of $89,408.81 were reviewed and approved for payment.
Superintendent’s report:
• Wednesday night activities – Some activities have been scheduled on Wednesday nights. We need to continue to respect trying not to have Wednesday night activities. The co-op committee will take this request to the next co-op meeting as well.
• MSIP 6 – School Improvement Plan will be implemented in 2018.
• Board Training – The two new board members will need to get their training.
The consent agenda was approved.
New Business:
• Budget 2017-2018 – The preliminary budget was given to the board members. It is basically the same as last year with a few minor changes at this time. Spending on transportation would be a big change as well as funding changes. Dr. Garrett will work on the budget in more detail with Dr. Burright and will come to the June board meeting with more information regarding the budget.
• Transportation – Bids for leases and purchase were given to the board members. This year, $10,766 was spent for repairs and maintenance on four buses. The mileage has tripled since the school has co-oped sports. Whichever direction we go, we are going to have to have a bus for this fall. Lengthy discussion was held on which direction to go: tax levy, leasing, or purchasing. No action taken at this time.
• Graduation 2018 Calendar – With graduation falling a week prior to Mother’s Day it was difficult to get dual credit grades from the universities due to their classes not being finished yet. The board voted to move 2018 graduation day to May 20, 2018.
• Salary Schedule – Dr. Garrett and Mr. Barnes have been asked by teachers to address the salary schedule limits on years. The salary schedule was given to all board members. Salaries stop at different years for different education. The teachers who do not further their education do not qualify for the step, so no raise is given except for the base pay that everyone receives. After discussion, no action was taken at this time.
The meeting moved into executive session as allowed by the Revised Statutes of Missouri 610.021.3 and 610.021.6. The regular board meeting was adjourned at 9:43 p.m.
The next regular board meeting will be Thursday, June 15, 2017, at 6:30 p.m.