The Wing Nuts Flying Circus Fly-In and Air Show at Gould Peterson Municipal Airport was a sight to behold this past Saturday. A total of 200 planes and 3,000 people participated in the event, which included a breakfast, congressional aviation town hall meeting, and airshow.
Many speakers were featured at the meeting, including Jack Pelton (EAA), Ed Bolin (NBAA), Pete Bunce (GAMA), and Mark Baker (AOPA). There were discussions held with government officials, members of Congress, aviation experts and pilots about legislation and FAA reauthorization.
The air show and fly-bys included: Matt Younkin, Aeroshell Aerobatic Team, F-16 Demo Team, B-2 flyover, John Klatt, Mike Wiskus, Gary Rower, WWII Training Demonstration, Texas Flying Legends Show, Joint Special Forces Jump Team, Michael Kennedy – BT13 Act, WWII Warbird Parade, and much more! Static aircraft on hand included B-25, P-51’s, Ford Tri-Motor, T-6’s, PT-26, PT-19, BT-13, Corsair, P-40, Real Japanese Zero, PT-22, C-47, Grumman Avenger, Super Stearman, PT-17, Skyraider, and many other warbirds and vintage aircraft.
It’s not everyday that these planes can be seen flying in our local sky, nor is it normal to witness these aircraft performing stunts and twists and turns that take your breath away. Though well trained, these men and women take their planes to the extreme to perform maneuvers for the viewers’ pleasure. And man are we glad they choose to perform here in Tarkio!
This event is usually held every two years so be sure to take part in the next event and witness the incredible!