Mayor Chris Chamberlain (right) presents W.C. Farmer (left) with a proclamation from the City of Rock Port.  See proclamation above.

Fire Chief Scott Jones (left) presented W.C. Farmer (right) with a plaque from the firemen recognizing his 25 years of service.

In 1992 W.C. Farmer joined the Rock Port and West Atchison Fire Departments. At the time, Harold Perry was Chief and the fire phone rang in all the firemen’s houses. “Over the last 25 years I have seen many changes to the fire department, mainly the equipment that we use to fight fires or extricate someone from a vehicle. I have had the honor of servicing with some of Rock Port’s finest, and I have enjoyed serving our community,” said Farmer.


WHEREAS, the City of Rock Port is desirous of recognizing long-term Rock Port Volunteer Firemen; and

WHEREAS, W.C. Farmer has served as a volunteer fireman for the Rock Port Volunteer Fire Department since 1992; and

WHEREAS, W.C. Farmer also displayed through the performance of his duties the highest standards of personal ethics, professional competency and dedication; and

WHEREAS, W.C. Farmer has made major contributions to the City as demonstrated by his abilities, and has been very influential to new fire personnel sharing his knowledge of firefighting and pride in equipment; and

WHEREAS, W.C. Farmer, through both his character and performance, has contributed significantly to the advancement of fire fighting to the Rock Port community; and

NOW, THEREFORE, I, Chris Chamberlain, Mayor of the City of Rock Port, along with the Rock Port Board of Aldermen, extend our sincere respect and appreciation for superior performance to W.C. Farmer and urge all citizens to show their appreciation for his dedicated years of service to the Rock Port Volunteer Fire Department.

Chris Chamberlain, Mayor