The Rock Port Planning Commission met Monday, July 17, 2017, at 5:00 p.m. at Rock Port City Hall. Present were Planning Commission members W.C. Farmer, Clint Dougherty, Scott Driskell, Alderman Ron Deatz and Mayor Chris Chamberlain. Charlee Garst and Dr. Gary Powell were absent. Also present were Cory Stoner, Tierra Stoner, and City Clerk Ashtin Paris.
W.C. Farmer called the meeting to order.
Cory and Tierra Stoner were present to request their property at 111 Liberty Lane be re-zoned from C-1 General Commercial District to R-A Rural Agricultural District.
A public hearing was held concerning the request. No citizens were present to object.
Chris Chamberlain moved to approve the request from Cory and Tierra Stoner to re-zone the property at 111 Liberty from C-1 General Commercial District to R-A Rural Agricultural District. Scott Driskell seconded. All votes aye.
The Planning Commission’s recommendation will be set for public hearing at the August 2017 regular Board of Aldermen meeting.
Being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.