The Rock Port Board of Aldermen met Wednesday, July 19, 2017, at 6:00 p.m. with Mayor Chris Chamberlain presiding. Board members present were Todd Stevens, Ron Deatz and Lavon Paukert. Alderman Tim Taylor was absent. Also present were City Superintendent Trevor Hale, Utility Clerk Terri McGuire, Chief of Police Shannon Sherwood, and City Clerk Ashtin Paris. Visitors present were Charlie Zitnik, W.C. Farmer, Shauna Farmer, Scott Jones, Chad Ottmann, Kelly Daugherty, and Jim Hickok and his grandson Maven.
Mayor Chamberlain called the meeting to order.
Stevens moved to approve the meeting agenda. Paukert seconded. All votes aye.
Stevens moved to approve the June 27, 2017, meeting minutes. Deatz seconded. All votes aye.
Mayor Chamberlain presented a proclamation to W.C. Farmer in recognition of his 25 years of service to the Rock Port Volunteer Fire Department. On behalf of the City of Rock Port and West Atchison Rural Fire District, Fire Chief Scott Jones presented a plaque in recognition of W.C. Farmer’s 25 years of service as a fireman.
The public hearing for the annexation of property owned by the City of Rock Port, Missouri, was held. No citizens were present to object.
The public hearing to vacate all of that part of Clay Street situated between Block 12 and Block 25 of Nuckolls and White’s Addition to the City of Rock Port was held. No citizens were present to object.
Deatz moved to approve the City financial statements, accounts payables, sales tax reports, delinquent tax list, and all board and departmental reports. Paukert seconded. All votes aye.
Paukert moved to approve the Utility financial statements, accounts payables, purchased power and water statements, take or pay water use report, water loss reports and Utility Clerk report. Stevens seconded. All votes aye.
Charlie Zitnik, D.A. Davidson, was present to discuss electrical upgrade financing options. An additional $775,000 was secured for the electrical upgrade at 3.7%. Any portion of the funding that is not used for the project will be applied back to the principal.
Bill # 1178 – Vacating all of that part of Clay Street situated between Block 12 and Block 25 of Nuckolls and White’s Addition to the City of Rock Port – was read. Deatz moved to approve the first reading. Paukert seconded. Roll call vote was taken. Paukert, Deatz and Stevens voted aye. Nay – none. Absent – Taylor. Stevens moved to approve the second reading. Paukert seconded. Roll call vote was taken. Paukert, Deatz and Stevens voted aye. Nay – none. Absent – Taylor. Mayor Chamberlain declared Bill # 1178, Ordinance # 1178.
Bill # 1179 – Authorizing filing of applications with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) by the Missouri Joint Municipal Electric Utility Commission (MJMEUC) on behalf of the City of Rock Port for waivers under the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (PURPA) – was read. Paukert moved to approve the first reading. Deatz seconded. Roll call vote was taken. Paukert, Deatz and Stevens voted aye. Nay – none. Absent – Taylor. Paukert moved to approve the second reading. Stevens seconded. Roll call vote was taken. Paukert, Deatz and Stevens voted aye. Nay – none. Absent – Taylor. Mayor Chamberlain declared Bill # 1179, Ordinance # 1179.
Bill # 1180 – Ordinance authorizing the City of Rock Port, Missouri, to enter into a lease purchase transaction with respect to the acquisition and installation of personal property and approving the execution of certain documents in connection therewith – was read. Deatz moved to approve the first reading. Paukert seconded. Roll call vote was taken. Paukert, Deatz and Stevens voted aye. Nay – none. Absent – Taylor. Paukert moved to approve the second reading. Stevens seconded. Roll call vote was taken. Paukert, Deatz and Stevens voted aye. Nay – none. Absent – Taylor. Mayor Chamberlain declared Bill # 1180, Ordinance # 1180.
Stevens moved to table paperless meeting options to the August meeting. Paukert seconded. All votes aye.
Clerk Paris reported that Earl and Rosita Stoner have put in their notice to terminate janitor services. They will continue janitor services until the position is filled, but do not wish to perform janitor services past December 31, 2017.
Stevens moved to accept sealed bids for janitorial services for the City. Paukert seconded. All votes aye.
Stevens moved to table the Sunshine Law review to the August meeting. Deatz seconded. All votes aye.
Stevens moved to table MJMEUC delegates to the August meeting. Paukert seconded. All votes aye.
Stevens reported positive feedback from the 4th of July festivities. Chamberlain reported that citizens have expressed ideas to get more community involvement for the 4th of July activities and recommended involving other communities.
Deatz moved to table free service to the City to the August meeting. Paukert seconded. All votes aye.
City Superintendent Trevor Hale presented two electric rate study proposals from Olsson Associates. The proposals will be reviewed further at the August meeting.
Deatz moved to adjourn. Stevens seconded. All votes aye.