The City of Tarkio Board of Aldermen met Wednesday, July 12, 2017, at 6:00 p.m. at Tarkio City Hall. The Pledge of Allegiance was conducted. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Timothy Morehouse. Roll call was done by Tarkio City Clerk Becky Jones: aldermen Mike Klosek, Scott Poppa, and Andy Riley were present. Ed Hunkins was absent. Tarkio city employees present were: Deputy Clerk Debbie Beckman, Police Chief Tyson Gibbons, Police Officer Adam Stanton, Park Superintendent Kevin Bennett, Street Superintendent Jamie Quimby, and building inspector Jessie Payne. Visitors included David Lee, Dean Sparks, Mary Ann Hull, Marvin Southard, Karen Clark, Sherri Clement, Mike Klosek, Sr., Mike Shaw, and Jeff Bruns.
The minutes of the June 14th regular meeting and June 21st special meeting were approved as distributed. Mayor Morehouse invited to the meeting Mary Ann Hull with the Tarkio Chamber of Commerce, Marvin Southard with the Tarkio Lions Club, and Dean Sparks with the Tarkio Rotary Club. Hy-Vee’s manager Kalvin McIntosh had spoken with Mayor Morehouse about having a picnic for the workers/families presently in Atchison County building the windmills. All parties in attendance were in agreement that the clubs would probably be willing to help out. A group will be formed and a time determined when this will take place once someone notifies a representative from Enel.
One bid was opened for the Ash and 6th Street concrete work: 1. Jim Smith, Peru, Nebraska, $68,500.00. Riley made a motion to not accept the bid for the concrete work. Klosek seconded the motion. A total of 3 “ayes” voted to approve the motion and the second.
The board was asked to approve additional work with Herzog for Broad Street between 1st and 3rd streets. Quimby first gave the board information from Herzog on the miscalculation of work on Pine Street. Pine Street was only calculated from 5th to 6th. Including 6th to 7th takes approximately 129 tons additional. The total for the original work for Option 2 should have been 321 tons and was only calculated at 192 tons. It will take an additional $12,990.00 to do the project. Poppa made a motion to negotiate with Herzog to split the price on the bust in calculation for Pine street overlay. Klosek seconded the motion and 3” ayes” voted to accept the motion and the second.
Herzog reviewed Broad Street and to perform the 3” wedge and overlay from 1st to 3rd will require approximately 262 tons, with the same contract unit price of $100.00/ton for the work. The south side of Broad just east of 2nd is undermining, so getting the 20’ width through this area may not be possible unless you repair this section. It will take a total of $26,200.00 to do the Broad Street work. Poppa made a motion to accept the $26,200.00 from Herzog to overlay from 1st to 3rd on Broad Street after the company moving into 202 Main Street is in operation. Klosek seconded the motion, 3 “ayes” voted to accept the motion and the second.
The City received a request from Al Rankin to place a sign on the Polk School Yard with history of David Rankin. The board voted to allow Al Rankin to have the sign erected in honor of David Rankin.
The USDA grant of $8,700.00 was awarded to Tarkio Police Department for the two police cars (SUVs). The total approximate cost on the SUVs will be $58,617.00. A total of $23,300.00 was budgeted for this year, plus equipment of $5,500.00. The second car was to be in next year’s budget, but this year’s budget needs to be amended to purchase both vehicles in. When receiving a USDA grant, there cannot be a lien on vehicles. Poppa made a motion to amend the budget to pay for both vehicles in the 2017-2018 budget, Klosek seconded the motion, 2 “ayes” voted to approve the motion and the second, 1 “nay” voted against. The motion passed. Clerk’s note: {SUVs $58,617.00, minus grant $8,700.00, less possible $10,000.00 on the 2 cars, remainder $39,917.00. Budget $23,300.00 = difference with estimated sell is $16,617.00 difference to amend.}
Jones read Bill 207-17, Ordinance 194.17: An Ordinance For The City Of Tarkio, Missouri, Amending Chapter 405, Zoning Regulations, Article X, Administration, Section 405.450, Enforcement, Application And Permits, Section F Of The Code Of Ordinances Of The City Of Tarkio, Missouri, by title. Poppa made a motion to accept Bill 207-17, Ordinance 194.17: An Ordinance For The City Of Tarkio, Missouri, Amending Chapter 405, Zoning Regulations, Article X, Administration, Section 405.450, Enforcement, Application And Permits, Section F Of The Code Of Ordinances Of The City Of Tarkio, Missouri. Riley seconded the motion: Poppa “aye”, Riley “aye” and Klosek “nay”. The motion and second does not pass, ordinances requires 2/3rd vote of all elected officials. Mayor Morehouse gave the second reading of Bill 207-17, Ordinance 194.17. The motion and second does not pass.
The Board of Aldermen voted to approve the Tarkio Board of Public Works’ request to have Scott Morehouse appointed to serve on the Board of Public Works.
Gibbons gave the board information on a K9 for the Tarkio Police Department. Mayor Morehouse asked that Gibbons check with the insurance company about the pit bull and the coverage.
The Tarkio Fire Department’s 1999 ambulance was discussed about transferring to the Rural Fire District. With the transfer, the city will still pay half of the maintenance (50/50) and add the city to pay half (50/50) of an insurance policy through Oswald Crow at an approximate cost of $330. The board voted to approve the transferring of the 1999 Ambulance to the Rural Fire Department.
Department Reports
Ed Hunkins – Fire Department: Hunkins was absent.
Michael Klosek – City Buildings: Klosek made a comment that it is hard to find someone that has insurance to work on the city buildings. Siding is coming off the Community Building and the wood is rotten underneath the area where it is coming off.
Andy Riley – Quimby’s report: Quimby has been unable to reach Derrick Fee by phone as of this time to get an update on how much longer it will take to clean up the Walnut Inn remaining debris. The brush pile is getting large. It will be burned sometime after the pool closes and school starts. There have still been a few items dumped that shouldn’t be. Individuals have been found and asked to come after the items dumped. The porch floor at the Community Building has been re-painted. The area on City Hall where the old garage doors were was also painted. Quimby said they would be painting the exterior doors at the Community Building in the near future. The ditch at 2nd and Broad has been eroding and undermining the street. They have cleaned the ditch line and are using rip-rap to support the sides of this ditch in problem areas. The Street Department painted the white arrows on the streets and put a few decorations at the Community Building again this year for the Doug Summa 5-K.
Scott Poppa – Parks and Pool: The sewer line has not been located for the Doug Summa Memorial Park bathroom. The pool will be closing on August 13.
Chief Gibbons – Police Department: Gibbons gave his report of traffic stops, investigations, and training.
Mayor Timothy Morehouse: Morehouse reported coyotes are coming into town during the night and snatching up small dogs and cats. The Police Department is addressing the issue and if anyone sees one they need to call 660-736-5522 and report it to the police.
Adam Stanton – Building Inspector: Stanton had nothing to report.
Clerk Jones: Jones asked the board if anyone had questions regarding their department’s financials. There were none.
The board voted to pay the outstanding bills except for the Quality Auto bill for $420.40 for the airport van work. The meeting was adjourned at 8:14 p.m. The next regular meeting will be August 9, 2017, at 6:00 p.m.
Tarkio Board of Aldermen meet
July 25, 2017