Submitted by Fairfax City Clerk Melissa Gilpin
The Fairfax Board of Aldermen met on Wednesday, July 19, 2017. The meeting was called to order by Mike Oswald, Board President, at 7:01 p.m. Roll was taken and those in attendance were: alderpersons – Kristi Duering, Mike Oswald, Beth Graves, and Tabitha Wintz; Mayor Ryan Kingery (entered meeting at 7:32 p.m.); outgoing City Clerk Melissa Gilpin; new City Clerk Kristy McDonald; Treasurer Danny Kemerling; Water Superintendent John Brown; and ACWWC Representative Alva Stoner (entered meeting at 7:25 p.m.).
The board approved the tentative agenda, as well as the regular meeting minutes of June 14, 2017.
There was a brief discussion over consolidating with the Rural Fire District and how the finances would work. It seems to be the consensus of the board to consolidate and they asked employees to have more information available at the next meeting so that it can be worked into the next budget.
The semi-annual budget was presented to the board for review. There was a lengthy discussion as to how the payroll was split. Mike Oswald suggested doing a time task analysis because he believes too much payroll is being paid out of the Street Repair Fund. After a lengthy discussion as to the pros and cons of doing so, no decision was made.
The board voted to approve the accounts payable and financial statement.
Council members and City Hall have received numerous complaints regarding speeding on Sly Street. People coming into town from the gravel road are traveling too fast. Traffic needs to slow down and drivers need to be more mindful. The council will look into posting signs and will speak with the Sheriff’s Department to see if there is anything they can do to help.
Rod Burke appeared at the meeting at 7:35 p.m.
Alva Stoner gave an update on ACWWC. We will be able to renegotiate the contracted water in March of 2018. They are discussing raising the purchase rates if the city lowers their contracted amounts.
Mr. Burke was asked if he needed to address the board. He stated that he was doing some work on the building and ground across from City Hall and just wanted to attend part of the meeting.
The employee handbook revisions were discussed. The board voted to approve and adopt the employee handbook with revisions of adjusting vacation and sick leave accrual starting with any new employee hired and 2018 for the other employees with the accrual rate to be decided on or before January 1, 2018, and to change the wording of Ethics in Employment for clarity.
Staff Reports
Danny Kemerling presented his report stating that all accounts are in balance.
Melissa Gilpin reported that she has received a request from Justin Straub to have the portion of High Street that runs between 307 South Fourth and 401 South Fourth Street closed. It is designated as a street but only leads to a ditch and has never been used as a street. They have one more property owner to contact for approval then the City Council will consider it. Due to the amount of ink and paper we go through in preparation for council meetings, Melissa suggested checking into budgeting for digital transfer of board packets. It would save the city in the long run.
John Brown reported that they have gotten new toilet seats for the ball field restroom, but are waiting until the painting is done to install them. The Class of 2019 is painting the restrooms as a community service project for the use of the ball field for their softball fundraiser tournament August 5-6, 2017. The Fairfax Fair is August 11-13. The fire department is willing to do fair watch again this year. The fee we usually pay is $200. John reported that he has ordered new shirts at a cost of $15 each with logos. Bruce Pyeatt would like to mill, rock and spray dust control on one block of East Street and one block of Sixth Street at his own cost. Lengthy discussion of pros and cons of doing it. Kristi Duering moved to approve as long as there are no legal issues with it and he agrees to use the type of rock specified by the city. Beth Graves seconded. The motion passed unanimously. The concrete pad for the winter mix is done and came in under budget. We have another load of cold patch coming and will patch just before the fair.
We are already receiving calls from people wanting to know how early they can start setting up for the fair. The park will be mowed on Wednesday, August 9, and sprayed on Thursday morning. No one should set up before noon on Thursday, August 10, to allow for spraying and the spray to dry.
There are a number of trees starting to overhang in the streets that are hitting the tops of cars and trucks driving. We will do more research as to if the property owner or city is responsible for trimming. It has been the property owner’s responsibility in the past.
Poppa’s Tree Service came and looked at the trees in the park. There are two we need to have removed, but they are not an immediate danger. It will cost approximately $900 to remove the one at the bottom of the park and $300 for the one at the top of the park. The council asked John to see if he would be able to remove the hangers that we are unable to reach and come back with an update on the time frame for getting it done at the next meeting.
The next meeting is being moved to August 15 at 6:30 p.m. due to the school’s open house. The meeting moved into closed session at 8:40 p.m. for discussion of personnel and personally identifiable information as provided by RSMo 610.021(1,3,13). The meeting moved back into open session at 9:21 p.m. Mike Oswald moved to raise Danny Kemerling’s wages to $9.50 an hour. Kristi Duering seconded. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m.
Fairfax Board of Aldermen
August 1, 2017