President Richard Dewhirst called the regular meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.  Other members present were Afton Schomburg, Ken Miller, Jeremy Davis, Harold Lawrence, Dan Lucas, and Clay Vogler.  Others in attendance were Superintendent Craig Walker, and Board Secretary Debbie Young.
The agenda was adopted and the minutes of the regular meeting of June 13, 2017 were approved.  Mr. Walker reviewed the financial information for the month ending June 2017.  The transfer of funds from fund one to fund two in the amount necessary to maintain a zero balance in fund two and the transfer of funds from fund one to fund four in the amount of $100,000 for capital improvements, equipment purchases, and a bus were approved.  The June final check register, July check register to date, and the activity account checks were approved.  Mr. Walker read thank you notes from Jill Gilson and from the family of Del Stoltenberg.
Mr. Walker presented the high school activity handbook for the board to review.  He requested the board members contact him with any questions or concerns as soon as possible as it would need to be sent for printing in the near future in order to be ready for the first day of practice on July 31, 2017.  Mr. Walker updated the board on the progress of the summer maintenance projects and his preliminary plans for a committee to explore any changes to be made regarding our traditional date for graduation.  Mr. Walker reported on the information he received regarding a proposal for another wind farm in Atchison County, and on the dates for the Board of Equalization tax hearings.
The board then proceeded to address several items of new business.  Action was taken to re-adopt Policy 0342 – Nepotism, Conflict of Interest, and Financial Disclosure, to approve the amendments to the 2016-2017 budget as presented, to establish the beginning balance at zero for the following activity accounts:  Athletic, Drama, and Elementary Student Council, and to set the date and time for the annual tax rate as Tuesday, August 15, 2017 at 7 p.m. in the board room with the regular August meeting to follow the tax rate hearing.  Action was taken to employ Shelby Davison as a part-time preschool paraprofessional, Ashley Grossman as a full-time elementary paraprofessional, and Jennifer Ostrowski as a full-time high school paraprofessional for the 2017-2018 school year.
Following a brief discussion it was the consensus of the board that a work study session be held on Thursday, August 24, 2017 at 6:00 p.m. in the board room, and that a board retreat/training session with MSBA be held on Saturday, September 9, 2017 with the time and location to be determined.  The meeting was then adjourned.