The following marriage licenses were recorded in the Office of Eliza Beasing, Recorder at the Atchison County Courthouse in Rock Port, Missouri:
Filed August 2, 2017 by Chris Steffensmeier, 39, to Stacy L. Chapek, 46, both of Lincoln, Nebraska. Married in Lake Ozark, Missouri on July 27, 2017 by Dr. Charles B. Simmons.
Filed August 2, 2017 by Derek Larson, 28, to Betsy McQueen, 25, both of Rock Port, Missouri. Married in Maryville, Missouri by Ken Grove, Minister.
Mearl Hale, 50, and Sonia Rosenbohm, 52, both of Rock Port, Missouri, were married August 5, 2017, at Charity Lake by Pastor Tom Beutler.