The Fairfax Board of Aldermen met August 15, 2017. The meeting was called to order by Ryan Kingery, Mayor, at 6:35 p.m. Roll was taken. Those in attendance were: aldermen, Kristi Duering, Mike Oswald, and Tabitha Wintz, Mayor Ryan Kingery, resigning City Clerk Melissa Gilpin, Water Superintendent John Brown, City Attorney Taryn Henry, and new City Clerk Kristy McDonald.
The board voted to approve the tentative agenda with the exclusion of PTO accrual discussion. The regular minutes of July 19, 2017, were approved, with the correction of the spelling of Tabitha Wintz.
Property Tax Public Hearing: Bill # 2017-07 titled: An ordinance providing for the rate of taxation for general and special purposes within the city of Fairfax, Missouri, for the calendar year, 2017, was presented to the council and read by title by Kristi Duering. The board voted to approve Bill #2017-07 assigned ordinance #2017-04-1545.
Mike Oswald spoke on behalf of Marion Oswald with a request to de-annex part of his farm property from the city limits. Taryn Henry, City Attorney, presented the council with the de-annexation procedure in compliance with the State of Missouri. Taryn explained that the process requires a public hearing, a petition from the land owner, and approval from the city council all at the expense of the landowner. Mike will pass the information to Marion.
The board voted to approve the accounts payable and financial statement. There was a discussion over consolidating with the Rural Fire District. The council would like to meet with the fire department to discuss a contract and price. There was a conversation about getting the water tank patched. John Brown reported that he got an estimate of $500.00 for the patch, but it will not be completed until after harvest. Mike Oswald will speak with Marilyn Reed to find out when the next Fire Department meeting is and see if the council can attend to work out an agreement.
Bill #2017-08 titled: A resolution authorizing individual of certain positions as authorized signers for banking purposes on accounts now registered of hereafter registered in the name of the City of Fairfax was presented to the council and read by title by Tabitha Wintz. The board approved Bill #2017-08 assigned resolution #2017-1546.
Staff reports
Danny Kemerling was absent for the meeting, but his treasurer report was presented to the council showing that all accounts are in balance.
Taryn Henry, City Attorney, spoke about how the city is in the process of transferring the municipal clerk duties from the City Clerk to the associate court. This process is taking some time so currently prosecutions can not be pursued. She explained that a lot of small towns are also going through this process and she is working to get this transferred as soon as possible.
John Brown reported that he would like to replace the pipe that runs under the entrance to the convenience store. The new owners are going to be re-paving the parking lot and plan on going over the pipe and it is currently not in good condition so John would like to replace it with solid plastic pipe. He is hoping to get it in as soon as possible to get the work completed. A motion to approve any work for the new pipe under $1,000.00 without the council’s vote was made by Tabitha Wintz and seconded by Kristi Duering. The motion passed unanimously. He informed the board that the Gladman property has sold and the new owner along with the adjoining property owner are making plans to remove the houses.
Kristy McDonald asked the council to approve two slow down, children at play signs to be installed on Angel Street at a citizen’s request. The citizen will be responsible for the payment of purchasing the signs and the city will provide the poles and install the signs. Tabitha Wintz made a motion to approve installing the signs and Mike Oswald seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
There have been more complaints about low-hanging branches over the streets and/or sidewalks. The council discussed if it should be the property owner’s responsibility and how to move forward with enforcing it. It was agreed upon to hold the property owner to which the tree stands on responsible for the trimming of the low-hanging branches. The council will drive through the city to see where the trees are located and then will send letters to property owners stating they need to trim the trees. The council will consider giving them longer than the 7 days stated in the letter if they contact city hall and have made an arrangement to get the trees trimmed.
Fatima Properties has turned in their business license and liquor license application for the convenience store located at 401 US 59 Hwy. They need approval for the licenses pending receipt of a State of Missouri Liquor License. Mike Oswald made a motion to approve and Tabitha Wintz seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
The next Fairfax Board of Aldermen meeting is September 20 at 6:30 p.m. Ryan Kingery requested to change all regular meetings to 6:30 p.m. instead of 7:00 p.m. The meeting moved into closed session at 7:30 p.m. for discussion of personnel as provided by Rsm. 610.021(1,3,13). The Council came back to open session at 7:44 p.m. The meeting was adjourned at 7:45 p.m.
Fairfax Board of Aldermen
August 22, 2017