The Atchison County Development Corporation (ACDC) Board met September 13, 2017. Present were: Lori Seymour, Jeff Meyer, Scott Melvin, W.C. Farmer, Craig Corken, board members; Monica Bailey and Carol Clark.
Seymour moved to approve minutes as amended. Meyer seconded and all approved.
Seymour moved to approve financials as presented. Melvin seconded and all approved.
Director’s Report–
The 2017 Business Improvement Grant fund has around $2,500 remaining.
Planning is underway for the annual meeting and several events this fall.
Careers on Wheels (a new career event for freshmen) is scheduled for Oct. 6 (with a rain date of Oct. 13). Seven business participants have confirmed so far.
#ShopAC Night will be held on Thursday, Nov. 16. Bailey will be contacting last year’s participants, but all interested businesses are encouraged to contact the office so they can be added to the list.
A Youth Professionalism Workshop is scheduled for Monday, Nov. 20.
Old Business–
The annual meeting, including awardees, was discussed. It will be held on Wednesday, October 11, 2017, at 6:30 p.m. in the Tarkio Community Building. Speakers will include Corey Martin (RES), Dana Tracy (MDT Woodworks), and Bailey (ACDC update).
NEW Business–
Board members reviewed a request for nonprofit support from the City of Westboro for assistance with an engineering report for construction of a new water tower. The group felt that this is a project worth supporting and requested that the City pursue all available federal/state grants.
A new slate of officers was nominated by Meyer: Lori Seymour, president; Craig Corken, vice-president; Eryn Stepp, secretary; and Bob Alldredge, treasurer. Melvin seconded and all approved. This will take effect after the annual meeting in October.
Meyer moved and Melvin seconded that the meeting adjourn. All approved.
ACDC Board Meeting
September 19, 2017