The Commission met on Thursday, August 31, 2017.  Present were: Presiding Commissioner Curt Livengood, South District Commissioner Richard Burke, North District Commissioner James Quimby, and Susette Taylor, Clerk of the Commission.
Presiding Commissioner Curt Livengood called the meeting to order.
Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.
Bills were reviewed, approved and ordered paid.
At 9:30 a.m. a table top exercise was held in the Atchison County Commission Room with key players in the emergency preparedness plan (EPP) designed with coordination between the Atchison County Emergency Management Office and Atchison County Levee District No. 1 as a required element of the System Wide Improvement Framework (SWIF) to the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) as accepted on April 27th, 2017.
The table top exercise was facilitated by Emergency Management Director Rhonda Wiley. Present for the exercise were: Atchison County Levee District No. 1 board members, Jason Garst, Garry Garst and Troy LaHue; Atchison County Commissioners: Curtis Livengood, Richard Burke, and James Quimby; Secretary to the Commission, Susette Taylor; and Assistant Emergency Management Director, Mark Manchester.
Emergency Management Director Wiley activated the table top exercise with an overall view of duties of key players as outlined in the SWIF plan and stated the scenario for the operation.
The exercise began with Level 1 – Standard Operation – daily operation and maintenance of the Atchison County Levee.  (No concern of flooding)
Scenario – During the month of June there has been a significant amount of rainfall in the Missouri River basin in Atchison County and to the north. In addition to the rain a large snow cap is causing a significant amount of runoff, levels are high on the dams and they are currently releasing small amounts of water. River is running at 33 feet and predicted to rise with rain in the forecast.
Level 2 – Increased Awareness – response to rising waters (> 35 feet) or National Weather Service forecast. At this level communication begins between the Atchison County Levee Board members and Atchison County Emergency Management, the commission is notified but no immediate action other than communication is needed. Water is out in low lying areas, flood gates on drainage ditches will be closed and citizens can monitor river levels on the Atchison County Levee District No. 1 website.
Scenario – Rain continues locally and north of Atchison County. Interior water is high and ground is saturated. Additional water is being released from the dams due to pressure and river is predicted to go to 38 ft.
Level 3 – Emergency Activation – response to high water (> 38 feet), or National Weather Service forecast. Communication increases, supplies inventoried, increased monitoring of the levee for sand boils but no major sand bagging efforts implemented. The Atchison County Sheriff’s Department and Atchison County Road & Bridge will be notified and put on alert.
Scenario – Rain continues, NWS predicts river level of 42 feet.
Level 4 – Full Emergency Response – response to flood event (> 40 feet), or National Weather Service forecast. Emergency Operations Center is activated with high levels of communication and daily briefings when needed. High public awareness with text caster, news releases and social media updates through Emergency Management to keep the public informed. Continuous monitoring of the levee and sand bagging where needed. Emergency Management Director will activate resources and supplies. Staging area for sand bagging will be set up and ready if needed. Commission will make the decision to evacuate based on information given, but they cannot order mandatory evacuation, only recommend. Atchison County Sheriff’s Office will oversee evacuation and road closures. Atchison County Road and Bridge will assist with road closure and delivery of large scale supplies as needed. The commission will assist to activate State and Federal resources when needed.
Scenario – Forecast change in the weather and break in the levee south of Atchison County caused a significant drop in the river level to 38 feet and predicted to continue dropping.
Level 3 – response to high water (> 38 feet). Continue monitoring.
Table top exercise dismissed –
Vice President of Atchison County Levee District No. 1, Garry Garst then presented the annual update of the levee inspection. The annual inspection lasted 3 ½ days and covered the entire 54 miles of the levee within the district. Members of the board felt it was a good inspection and 95 findings from the prior inspection were marked resolved. They have hired an individual to do daily maintenance as needed, which has worked out very well.
At 11:30 a.m. sealed bids were opened and read for renting 38 acres of pasture ground at the landfill site adjacent to ighway 136. There was only one bid received. The bid was from James Ottmann in the amount of $106.12. The bid was per acre and will be paid annually. North District Commissioner James Quimby made a motion to accept the bid as presented. Motion was seconded by South District Commissioner Richard Burke. Presiding Commissioner Livengood called for further discussion, there being none, a roll call vote to accept the bid was as follows: Quimby – yes; Burke – yes and Livengood – yes.
Presiding Commissioner Curtis Livengood signed the 2017 Emergency Management Performance Grant CFDA (97.042).
There being no further business to come before the commission, the commission adjourned.

The Commission met on Tuesday, September 5, 2017.  Present were: Presiding Commissioner Curt Livengood, South District Commissioner Richard Burke, North District Commissioner James Quimby, and Susette Taylor, Clerk of the Commission.
Presiding Commissioner Curt Livengood called the meeting to order.
Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.
Bills were reviewed, approved and ordered paid.
Road and Bridge Supervisor Adam Meyer met with the commission to discuss department matters.
At 11 a.m. Jackie Spainhower was present to discuss the Hazard Mitigation Plan with the Commission. The current grant cycle is being prepared for funding to assist with writing the 2020 Atchison County Hazard Mitigation Plan. The 25% county match required has increased from $3,333 to $6,667 which will make it even more difficult to provide 100% of the match required through in-kind funding. Jackie requested acknowledgement from Atchison County that they would be willing to provide up to 50% of the match in cash if needed. South District Commissioner Richard Burke made a motion to set aside 50% of the match required in the 2019 budget. North District Commissioner Jim Quimby seconded the motion. Presiding Commissioner Livengood called for further discussion, there being none, a roll call vote to approve the request was as follows: Quimby – yes; Burke – yes; and Livengood – yes. A letter was forwarded to the Regional Council to acknowledge Atchison County’s commitment.
There being no further business to come before the commission, the commission adjourned.