The Board of Adjustment of the City of Rock Port met Monday, September 18, 2017 at Rock Port City Hall.  Board members present were Steve Proctor, Cory Amthor, Ron Hunter, Trent Shineman and Denton Melvin.  Also present were John Vance, Building Inspector Sam Lansdown and City Clerk Ashtin Paris.
Chairman Steve Proctor called the meeting to order at 5:35 p.m.
John Vance was present to request a 15’ rear yard variance to build a 48’ x 30’ building at 500 West Opp.
Denton Melvin moved to approve a fifteen (15) foot rear yard variance at 500 West Opp for construction of a 48’ x 30’ building.  Ron Hunter seconded.  All votes aye.
The meeting adjourned at 5:40 p.m.