The 2017 Tarkio High School Fall Homecoming King and Queen candidates are, from left to right: king – Shae DeRosier, and queen candidates – Madison Ohrt, Bella Hurst, and Hannah Blank.

The 2017 Tarkio High School Fall Homecoming attendants are, from left to right: freshmen – Brynnan Poppa and Hunter Bennett, sophomores – Jae Barnett and Jake McEnaney, and juniors – Skye Clark and Zach Sapp.

Get your “GRR” on for the East Atchison Homecoming Friday, September 22, 2017. This year’s theme is 80s Retro Video Games and the slogan is “EA Homecoming ’17: Game On!” The Tarkio and Fairfax students will be holding a number of fun-filled festivities prior to Thursday, September 21, when they will join in celebration for the homecoming volleyball game and bonfire/jersey auction to follow in Fairfax, and Friday, September 22, for the parade, football game, and dance in Tarkio.
Jerseys will be auctioned on Thursday night, September 21, immediately following the volleyball game in Fairfax. Minimum bids of $25 and maximum bids of $100 will be accepted. A bonfire will be held at the Fairfax Football Field immediately after the jersey auction.
The homecoming parade starts at 1:30 p.m. in Tarkio on Friday, September 22. Lineup will begin at 12:45 p.m. at the high school starting at the north end of the student parking lot going all the way back past the Ag building and curving around to 13th street. Signs will be posted for where the floats, attendants, etc. should start. The parade will go down Main Street and then a pep assembly will follow at the Tarkio Football Field from 2-2:30 p.m. The public is invited to attend! The football game against the Mound City Panthers begins that same night at 7 p.m., with the king and queen coronations to follow. A dance will be held for the students following the coronations. The sock hop dance will take place at the Tarkio High School Gym. There is no admission charge and the student council will have refreshments onhand.
Tarkio’s class activities include:
Seniors – Theme (PAC-MAN), Window (Farmers State Bank), and King candidate (Shae DeRosier) and Queen candidates (Madison Ohrt, Bella Hurst, and Hannah Blank)
Juniors – Theme (Super Mario Brothers), Window (Post Office), and Attendants (Skye Clark and Zach Sapp)
Sophomores – Theme (Frogger), Window (Tarkio Avalanche), and Attendants (Jae Barnett and Jake McEnaney)
Freshmen – Theme (Donkey Kong), Window (ABY Fitness), and Attendants (Brynnan Poppa and Hunter Bennett)
Eighth Grade – Theme (Oregon Trail) and Window (Brett Hurst Law Office)
Seventh Grade – Theme (Asteroids) and Window (Soaks ’Em Clean)
Dress Up Days: Monday 9/18 – No School; Tuesday 9/19 – Jersey Day (Wear your favorite sports team