Regional sales managers Craig Stiens and Jacob Phipps present the Fairfax R-3 School District, represented by Principal Dustin Barnes, middle, with a America’s Farmers Grow Grant for $10,000.

Each year, the Monsanto Corporation offers grants in the dollar amount of $10,000 and $25,000 to rural schools for enhancement of the technology, science, math and agriculture programs. The Fairfax R-3 School District is proud to announce that it has received a grant from Monsanto in the amount of $10,000 for the Fairfax Elementary! The Fairfax Elementary Grant money is being used to update chromebooks in grades 3-6 and for the purchase of K-8 online math diagnostic and teaching tools for students.  The grant money will fund the Fairfax Math Enhancement program for the next three years.  The Fairfax School District would like to thank the area farmers for their nomination of the school and Monsanto for this outstanding grant and for the opportunity to be able to help enhance the education of the students of Fairfax R-3.