Fairfax Jr. High and High School students were recently recognized for their perfect attendance in the 2nd quarter of the 2017-18 school year. They include:
7th Graders – Caden Brown, Cameron Oswald, Alejandra Ramirez, and Georgia Swinehart
8th Grader – Oliver Smith
Freshmen – Ian Hedlund, Cole Miller, and Adriana Ramirez
Junior – Tyler Brown
Seniors – Trey Agnew, Keevan Baker, and Kwentin Roberts-Swinehart
It’s a great honor (and hard work) to have perfect attendance in just one quarter, but the following students had perfect attendance in both the 1st and 2nd quarters (and should be commended):
7th Graders – Cameron Oswald and Georgia Swinehart
Freshmen – Ian Hedlund and Cole Miller
Junior – Tyler Brown
Fairfax Perfect Attendance
January 9, 2018