Tarkio High School students Harley Caudill, Skye Clark, Devin Guajardo, and Brianna Maxwell have been selected for the Upward Bound program.
Upward Bound is a federally-funded program which assists students, grades 9 through 12, in finishing high school and in succeeding at post-secondary training opportunities. Upward Bound has been sponsored by Northwest Missouri State University since 1986 and services selected schools in Atchison, Gentry, Holt, and Nodaway counties in Missouri.
Upward Bound participants find their academic careers and social lives enriched by Saturday Academies, college visits, and special activities scheduled throughout the academic year. In addition, Upward Bound sponsors an annual six-week, on campus summer residential program for its members.
Upward Bound provides high school students with the skills needed to succeed. Through academic tutoring, the Upward Bound program assists participants with their high school studies and encourages them to pursue a college education. The Upward Bound program provides instruction in math, laboratory science, composition, literature, and foreign languages. The program also helps in reading, writing, study skills, and other subjects necessary for success in education beyond high school. Academic, financial, and personal counseling are also available and are provided when necessary. By offering various academic programs and cultural experiences, the program helps expose students to the vast opportunities that lie within and outside our Northwest Missouri communities.
Tarkio students selected to Upward Bound
January 9, 2018