The Rock Port Board of Aldermen met at Rock Port City Hall on Wednesday, January 17, 2018, at 6 p.m. with Mayor Chris Chamberlain presiding. Board members present were Ron Deatz, Lavon Paukert and Todd Stevens. Alderman Tim Taylor was absent. Also present were Utility Clerk Terri McGuire, City Superintendent Trevor Hale, Chief of Police Shannon Sherwood, Officer Jon Chandler, Deputy Clerk Emily Schulte and City Clerk Ashtin Paris. Visitors were Fire Chief Scott Jones and Brian Kelly.
Mayor Chamberlain called the meeting to order.
Deatz moved to approve the meeting agenda. Paukert seconded. All votes aye.
Stevens moved to approve the December 20, 2017, and January 10, 2018, meeting minutes. Paukert seconded. All votes aye.
Fire Chief Scott Jones presented the 2017 Rock Port Fire Department Report. In addition, he announced the new fire truck will be delivered next month. Mayor Chamberlain thanked our firemen for attending the high school’s public recognition night for community first responders.
Brian Kelly was present to discuss a city-owned tract of land, located between his properties, which leads to Millsap Cemetery. The road leading to the cemetery via this land tract is in almost unusable condition currently. If Brian acquired this land, he would work with Wayne Shandy who currently manages the cemetery to be sure there is always access provided, even if that means building a new road elsewhere. Brian estimates the land to be around 1.5 acres. The land was originally gifted to the City of Rock Port from the State of Missouri during an annexation.
Stevens moved to pursue contract terms for transfer of land to Brian Kelly. Paukert seconded. All votes aye.
Deatz moved to approve the City financial statements, accounts payables, sales tax reports, delinquent tax list, and all board and departmental reports. Paukert seconded. All votes aye.
Stevens moved to approve the Utility financial statements, accounts payables, purchased power and water statements, take or pay water use report, water loss reports, Utility Clerk report and City Superintendent report. Paukert seconded. All votes aye.
Bill # 1189 – Amending 2017 City budget – was read. Deatz moved to approve the first reading. Paukert seconded. Roll call vote was taken. Deatz, Stevens and Paukert voted aye. Nay – none. Absent – Taylor. Stevens moved to approve the second reading. Paukert seconded. Roll call vote was taken. Deatz, Stevens and Paukert voted aye. Nay – none. Absent – Taylor. Mayor Chamberlain declared Bill # 1189, Ordinance # 1189.
Harden, Cummins, Moss & Miller, LLC submitted audit proposals for independent auditing services for the City of Rock Port and Rock Port Municipal Utilities. The cost of the FY2017 City audit will be $5,100 and any additional services beyond the scope of the audit will be billed at a maximum rate of $75/hr. The cost of the FY2017 Rock Port Municipal Utilities audit will not exceed $7,900.
Stevens moved to approve the FY2017 audit proposals from Harden, Cummins, Moss & Miller, LLC. Paukert seconded. All votes aye.
One bid was received for the 2018 asphalt repair, chip seal and fog seal. Total bid was $51,298.28
2018 Asphalt Repair & Chip Seal
Water Street (Calhoun to Burke Circle) $4,344.60
S. Nebraska St. & W. Mill (Opp to vac. St.) $2,695.10
Washington Street (Cass to Opp) $1,684.45
Bluff Street (Clay to Opp) $2,814.90
Nebraska Street (Hwy. 136 to First St.) $6,291.50
Washington Street (First St. to Fourth St.) $4,784.30
First Street (Market to Washington) $5,449.60
Second Street (Market to Kansas) $3,494.60
Third Street (Nebraska to Washington) $3,582.75
Fourth Street (Nebraska to Washington) $5,339.20
Total Asphalt Repair & Chip Seal $40,481
2018 Fog Seal
Market Street (Hwy. 136 to Second) $1,643.52
City Park Entrance $1,288.32
Rose Lane (Parkview to Cass) $1,333.44
Golf Course Rd. (to T-intersection) $2,724.48
Country Club Dr. (Hwy 136 to Mill) $2,419.20
S. Bluff Street (Charles to Stanton) $1,408.32 Total 2018 Fog Seal $10,817.28
Deatz moved to approve the $51,298.28 bid from Vance Brothers for the 2018 asphalt repair, chip seal and fog seal. Stevens seconded. All votes aye.
Bill # 1190 – Repealing Section 700.080 Electric Rates for Residential Customers and adopting new section – was read. Deatz moved to approve the first reading. Paukert seconded. Roll call vote was taken. Deatz, Stevens and Paukert voted aye. Nay – none. Absent – Taylor. Paukert moved to approve the second reading. Stevens seconded. Roll call vote was taken. Deatz, Stevens and Paukert voted aye. Nay – none. Absent – Taylor. Mayor Chamberlain declared Bill # 1190, Ordinance # 1190.
Bill # 1191 – Repealing Section 700.090 Electric Rates for Commercial Customers and adopting new section – was read. Deatz moved to approve the first reading. Paukert seconded. Roll call vote was taken. Deatz, Stevens and Paukert voted aye. Nay – none. Absent – Taylor. Paukert moved to approve the second reading. Stevens seconded. Roll call vote was taken. Deatz, Stevens and Paukert voted aye. Nay – none. Absent – Taylor. Mayor Chamberlain declared Bill # 1191, Ordinance # 1191.
Stevens moved to approve Electrical System Improvements Bid Section Two – Change Order No. 1. Deatz seconded. All votes aye.
Stevens moved to approve Electrical System Improvements Bid Section Two – Change Order No. 2. Deatz seconded. All votes aye.
The board discussed the need for updating city employee job descriptions, job titles and developing a pay scale. This would not only help to put us on track with other communities our size, but would also lay out for current and potential future employees what to anticipate in terms of position pay ranges, wage increases, and expectations. Terms considered could be longevity, certifications, etc.
Bill # 1192 –– Amending 2017 City of Rock Port, Missouri – Rock Port Municipal Utilities Budget – was read. Paukert moved to approve the first reading. Stevens seconded. Roll call vote was taken. Deatz, Stevens and Paukert voted aye. Nay – none. Absent – Taylor. Deatz moved to approve the second reading. Paukert seconded. Roll call vote was taken. Deatz, Stevens and Paukert voted aye. Nay – none. Absent – Taylor. Mayor Chamberlain declared Bill # 1192, Ordinance # 1192.
Chief of Police Shannon Sherwood reported 308 calls for the month of December which resulted in 36 reports and assistance of other agencies 16 times during the month. Chief Sherwood reported 3,691 calls or incidents requiring case numbers in 2017 which resulted in 328 written reports and assistance of other agencies 120 times. Traffic stops are not included in the case number report for 2017. The Rock Port Police Department received recognition from MIRMA for completing 100% online training. Jon Chandler was welcomed back to the department as a full-time officer in January 2018.
City Clerk Ashtin Paris reported that Emily Schulte started her position as Deputy Clerk on January 3, 2018.
City Superintendent Trevor Hale asked how everyone thought snow removal was going thus far this winter and the consensus was that no complaints had been heard. He mentioned that he planned to start experimenting with new street mixes in the future as he isn’t completely satisfied with what is currently in use. He mentioned that once temperatures dip below 0° not much works unless traffic is constant. Come spring, they plan to run the street sweeper to clean up excess road mix and other debris left behind from the winter months.
Supt. Hale filled in the Board on the successful visit from Wayne Roderman of the Missouri Rural Water Association (MRWA) to assist in finding water leaks. This visit was at no cost to the city as a result of our membership. During the visit it was mentioned the cost savings having a golf cart or UTV would have for the city. Around 50% savings from using the UTVs instead of trucks were being seen. Hale mentioned having already bid some UTVs out for informational purposes from both John Deere and Bobcat.
Supt. Hale informed the Board that a few upgrade outages had already been held in 2018 and there are more to come. There have been a few postponements due to the weather. Currently, 1 circuit is complete.
Mayor Chamberlain brought to the Board that Mr. Craig Walker was hoping to meet regarding an 80/20 grant opportunity for a walking trail. The 20% needed from the city could be monetary or in the form of labor. Additionally, it was noted that the first in a series of recognition nights had been held for first responders during half-time of the high school girls’ basketball game. There were 40-45 first responders as well as a large crowd turnout. A second event will be held on February 2, 2018, to recognize individuals both directly and indirectly connected to work benefiting children.
Stevens moved to adjourn. Paukert seconded. All votes aye.
Rock Port Board of Aldermen
January 23, 2018