Advancing to the elementary regional math competition are, from left to right: front row – Rainy Nordhausen, Makinzee Brion, Isaac Vette, Abby Harms, Owen DeRosier, and Jacob Stanton; and back row – Riley Sachs, Alexis Bywater, Tommi Lee Martin, Brooklyn Wennihan, and Alex Barnett. Not pictured is Lizzie Schlueter.  (Photo Submitted By Erica Taylor)

The following students qualified in the elementary mathematics competition Saturday, February 17, 2018, at the Northeast Nodaway school in Ravenwood, Missouri, and met the requirements to proceed to the regional competition at Northwest Missouri State University in Maryville, Missouri, on April 7:
4th grade – Rainy Nordhausen, Riley Sachs, Isaac Vette, Makinzee Brion, and Jacob Stanton.
5th Grade – Lizzie Schlueter, Abby Harms, and Owen DeRosier.
6th Grade- Alex Barnett, Alexis Bywater, Brooklyn Wennihan, and Tommi Lee Martin.
Congratulations to all 19 test participants, including Britney Ritchie, Dylan Drummond, Gabe Harms, Ally Wooten, Sydney Bruns, Claire Martin, and Ian Stepp.