The 2018 Palmer’s Piano Studio Recital included the following talented students: front row, left to right – Levi Lucas, Isa Kroeger, Cora Hirner, Audrey Dougherty, Stevie Gaines and Austin Helfers; middle row – Gabe Gebhards, Dylan Kemerling and Abby Palmer; back row – Braden Graves and RyAnne Herron.
On Sunday, March 4, 2018, the annual Palmer’s Piano Studio Spring Recital was held at 2 p.m. in the Rock Port United Methodist Church. Following the recital, refreshments were served in the fellowship hall.
Students participating and their piano pieces follow: Dylan Kemerling – The Music Box, The Country Fiddler, The Elevator, and Short’nin’ Bread; Stevie Gaines – Crunchy Flakes, Swinging Along, Tick-Tac-Toe, and The Kangarooster; Gabe Gebhards – Schubert’s Waltz, Music Box, and Play Ball; RyAnne Herron- Estrellita, Memories of Old, and Für Elise; Cora Hirner – Play Ball, Country Fiddler, and The Elevator; Isa Kroeger – Submarine, The Eagle, Hot Dog Stand, and Monkey Business; Audrey Dougherty- Snug As A Bug, Swinging Along, A Nutty Song, and Bells are Ringing; Austin Helfers – The Pet Shop, Brahms’ Lullaby, and The Rodeo; Levi Lucas- Monkey Business, Lightning Ranger, The Streamline Express, and The Woodchuck; and Braden Graves – Casey Jones, Village Dance, and Fandango. (Played at the 2018 Jr. High Solo Festival.)