The Fairfax Board of Aldermen met February 21, 2018. The meeting was called to order by Ryan Kingery, Mayor, at 6:30 p.m. Roll was taken. Those in attendance were: aldermen – Kristi Duering, Michael Oswald, Tabitha Wintz, and Beth Graves; Mayor Ryan Kingery; city employee Steve Stevens; City Clerk Kristy McDonald; and Treasurer Danny Kemerling.
The tentative agenda was approved with the addition of Atchison County Wholesale Water Commission contract renewal discussion.
The minutes of the January 17, 2018, regular meeting were approved.
Bob Alldredge, representing the Fairfax Community Improvement Foundation, was present to discuss updates for the city park.
The board approved the accounts payable and financial statement.
The council discussed the upcoming contract renewal with the Atchison County Wholesale Water Commission. Alva Stoner brought paperwork for the council to review showing how much our contract has been for and suggestions for the upcoming contract. The council agreed for Alva and John Brown to continue being the city’s representatives and proceed with the contract negotiations. The council voted to increase the water rates so that the city is in compliance with the USDA in accordance with our loan agreement. The city has to make sure its rates are sufficient to cover any deficits in its water budget. The rates will increase by $1.00 for the 1st 1,000 gallons and $1.50 for each additional 1,000 gallons.
Bill #2018-01 titled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF FAIRFAX, MISSOURI, REVISING THE WATER RATES OF THE CITY OF FAIRFAX was presented to the board. The bill was read by title only by Ryan Kingery. Motion to approve bill #2018-01 was made by Kristi Duering and seconded by Beth Graves. Roll call vote was taken: Ryan Kingery – aye, Beth Graves – aye, Tabitha Wintz – aye, Michael Oswald – aye, and Kristi Duering – aye. The motion passed unanimously. The bill was read by title only for the second time by Beth Graves. Motion to approve bill #2018-01 was made by Tabitha Wintz and seconded by Michael Oswald. Roll call vote was taken: Ryan Kingery – aye, Beth Graves – aye, Tabitha Wintz – aye, Michael Oswald – aye, and Kristi Duering – aye. The motion passed unanimously. Bill #2018-01 was assigned ordinance #2018-01-1547.
Staff Reports
Steve Stevens reported that surrounding towns are scheduling their water tower cleaning soon. This is something that has to be done every 5 years according to the Department of Natural Resources. If the city schedules its tower to be cleaned during the same time as surrounding towns then the city will get a discount. A motion to go ahead with the water tower cleaning was proposed by Tabitha Wintz and seconded by Michael Oswald. The motion passed unanimously.
The city is getting low on street mix and the council agreed to go ahead and purchase more sand and chips to be prepared if there is more snow and ice.
There are three trees that have damage or a disease problem in the park that are scheduled to be cut down when the weather gets better.
White Cloud Engineering will be performing a Whole Effluent Toxicity (WET) test this year on our wastewater. It has to be done every five years.
The city has the opportunity to purchase lights that were used at the Tarkio Rodeo to use at the Fairfax ballfield. A motion was made by Beth Graves to go ahead and purchase the lights and was seconded by Mayor Ryan Kingery. Motion passed unanimously.
Danny Kemerling presented his Treasurer report showing that all accounts are in balance.
Kristy McDonald reported that she has received a scholarship to attend the Missouri City Clerk’s Finance Officers Association Institute training the week of March 11th. Danny Kemerling will be covering the office while she is out.
An accountant with CliftonLarsonAllen was here helping with the city’s QuickBooks. They will submit an estimate to the city for accounting work in the next week. Motion was made by Ryan Kingery to approve any work up to a total cost of $2,500 and was seconded by Beth Graves. The motion passed unanimously.
A motion was made by Tabitha Wintz to start accepting bids for the city’s yearly audit. The motion was seconded by Michael Oswald and passed unanimously.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m. The next meeting is March 21, 2018, at 6:30 p.m.
Fairfax Board of Aldermen
March 6, 2018