Atchison County officials include, from left to right: front row – Collector Diane Livengood, Assessor Lori Jones, County Clerk Susette Taylor, Treasurer Debbie True, Circuit Clerk Lorie Hall, and Recorder Eliza Beasing; and back row – North District Commissioner Jim Quimby, South District Commissioner Richard Burke, Presiding Commissioner Curtis Livengood, Sheriff Dennis Martin, Prosecuting Attorney Brett Hurst, Associate Circuit Judge Corey Herron, and Coroner Shawn Minter.
Attendees of the Atchison County Government Day take THE FREEDOM PLEDGE – “I am an American, A FREE American, Free to speak without fear, Free to worship GOD in my own way, Free to stand for what I think is right, Free to oppose what I think wrong, Free to choose those who govern MY country, This Heritage of Freedom I pledge to uphold, For myself, and all mankind,” led by Allen-Schiffern American Legion Auxiliary member Sheridan Mires.
Commissioners Curt Livengood and Richard Burke, right, speak to Atchison County Government Day attendees at the courthouse in Rock Port.
Local officials and students attended the 64th Annual Atchison County Government Day Tuesday, March 13, 2018, at the Atchison County Courthouse in Rock Port, Missouri. The event was sponsored by the Atchison County American Legion Posts and American Legion Auxiliary Units (John Richards #284 – Fairfax, Ralph Greer #49 – Rock Port, Allen Schiffern #199 – Tarkio, and Merrill Smith #32 – Westboro).
The day began with a general assembly at 9:00 a.m. in the Circuit Courtroom and introduction of county officials was made by Presiding Commissioner Curt Livengood. Greetings and a Call to Order was made by Allen-Schiffern Commander Tim Morehouse. Sheriff Dennis Martin gave the invocation. Kelly Daugherty with Ralph Greer led everyone in the Pledge of Allegiance. Sheriff Martin sang the National Anthem. The legionnaires participated in a flag folding ceremony and the legion auxiliary members spoke about the freedom pledge and purpose of County Government Day.
Amie Schleicher with the University of Missouri Extension and Atchison County Development Corporation (ACDC) Director Monica Bailey spoke. A brief outline of duties by departments without offices in the building was presented (Coroner, Public Administrator, Emergency Management/911).
Students took a tour of county offices, followed by a Flag Disposal Ceremony in front of the Courthouse. After lunch, everyone met back in the courtroom for court with Judge Corey Herron Presiding, Circuit Clerk Lorie Hall, Prosecuting Attorney Brett Hurst, and Sheriff Dennis Martin. Allen-Schiffern Auxiliary member Linda Kay closed the event.