By Jan White Taylor
The March 15 meeting of Community Hospital Auxiliary opened with 14 members and 1 guest reciting the Auxiliary Prayer.
The minutes of the February meeting and the monthly Treasurer’s Report were given and both were approved as read.
The auxiliary voted to fully fund the purchase of an infant warmer for the hospital. The total of the warmer was $15,819.56. We so appreciate your support at our various fund raisers. All of the proceeds benefit Community Hospital-Fairfax and our great health care system. Our next annual fund raiser is the Spring Bake Sale.
We are also looking forward to supporting the hospital in various other ways. Many of our members will be supporting the Community Hospital-Fairfax and Community Healthcare Foundation by attending the Celebrity Waiter Dinner. It’s always a lot of fun, good food, and great entertainment! We are blessed with so much talent in our area. We hope you have planned to enjoy this evening out and support health care at the same time.
The new state project for our group is Stroke Prevention. Some of our activities and focus this year will be centered on this topic.
Our next meeting will be held in the Hospital Conference Room on Thursday, April 19 at 1:30. As always, we welcome your attendance!