East Atchison Baseball Team traveled to DeKalb to compete in a varsity contest Thursday, April 5, 2018. For the second time this season, the Wolves threw a shut-out game, winning this one 14-0.
Wolves’ pitcher Gage McAdams took to the mound and surrendered zero runs on two hits over four and two-thirds innings, striking out 12 and walking one. Wolves’ pitcher Dylan Jeffords struck out one to finish off the game. McAdams also homered in the game and had three singles. The Wolves had eight runs in the fourth inning and racked up a total of 10 hits in the game. The Wolves also had four stolen bases, two by Colin Joesting.
Individual Wolves’ statistics follow:
Batting – Zach Garrison – 2 hits (2 singles), 1 RBI, 1 run, 2 walks; Dylan Jeffords – 2 runs, 1 walk, 1 strikeout; Colin Joesting – 1 hit (1 single), 1 RBI, 2 runs, 2 walks, 1 strikeout; Tyler Brown – 1 hit (1 double), 2 RBIs, 1 run, 1 walk, 1 strikeout; Jake McEnaney – 1 RBI, 2 runs, 1 walk, 1 strikeout; Gage McAdams – 4 hits (3 singles, 1 homerun), 3 RBIs, 3 runs; Gus Hurst – 1 RBI, 1 run, 1 walk, 2 strikeouts; Keaton Williams – 1 hit (1 single), 1 RBI, 1 run, 1 strikeout; and Max Hopkins – 1 hit (1 single), 3 RBIs, 1 run, 1 walk
PITCHING – Gage McAdams – 4.2 innings pitched, 2 hits, 1 walk, 12 strikeouts, 0 runs; and Dylan Jeffords – .1 innings pitched, 1 strikeout
FIELDING – Colin Joesting – 1 putout; Gage McAdams – 1 putout; Keaton Williams – 12 putouts; and Max Hopkins – 1 putout