2018-2019 Rock Port  FFA Officers

The 2018-2019 Rock Port Chapter Officers (left to right), front row: Ashleigh King- Reporter, Rebekah Lucas-Secretary, RyAnne Herron-Historian, Kelcie Gaines-Chaplain, and Fischer Tharp-Vice-president; back row:  Cody Davis-Parliamentarian,  Cayden Criger-Sentinel, Ayden Wilroy-President, Joey Herron-Treasurer and Aaron Lawrence- 1st Vice-president.


Fundraising Awards

Pictured are Junior: Riley Vogler, Sophomore: Ashleigh King, Freshman: Harlee Pritt, and Senior: Ally Demott. The Rock Port FFA Chapter sells fruit and other products each fall as the main fundraising activity for the chapter. The money raised is used to fund activities throughout the year. Harlee Pritt was the “Top Fruit Seller” for this year.


Leadership awards

Pictured above are the recipients of a Leadership Award certificate and pin: (left to right) Junior: Ayden Wilroy, Sophomore: Ashleigh King, Freshman: Lauren Kelly and Senior: Ben Lucas. The purpose of the leadership award is to recognize those members who have displayed outstanding leadership skills during the past year, by participating in various chapter and school activities.


Scholarship Awards

Pictured above (left to right) are: Freshman: RyAnne Herron, Sophomore: Cody Davis, Junior: Riley Vogler and Senior: Ally Demott, who are the recipients of the honorary Scholarship Award. The scholarship award is given to a member of each class, who has the highest overall grade point average based on the school district’s 4.0 scale.


Star Chapter Farmer

Fischer Tharp received the Star Chapter Farmer.


Honorary Chapter Degree

Dan Lucas was presented the Honorary Chapter Degree by his son Ben Lucas.


Star Greenhand

The Star Greenhand is chosen according to their participation and beginning SAE Project. The Star Greenhand of the Rock Port FFA Chapter for 2017-18 is Joey Herron.


Wallace, Mackenzie Lager, and Corbin Hale; back row: Kadyn Dowdy, Ethan Lucas, Cayden Criger, Trey Peshek, and Joey Herron. Not in attendance were:  Colby Lansdown, Jack Raison, Alivia Boucam, Kalyn Mertens, and Lilth Laing.

Contest Awards

Each year, many FFA members participate in agricultural contests at the area and district level. Each contest has a minimum number of teams that can qualify for state. Every contest team devotes much time and effort to studying in these competitive events.


Job Interview – State qualifer: Kelcie Gaines.

Conduct of Meetings – State Qualifer: Front row – RyAnne Herron, Lauren Kelly as Chairperson, Harlee Pritt, Johnny Davis, and Mackenzie  Lager; back row – Cayden Criger, Joey Herron, Ethan Lucas and Trey Peshek.


Parliamentary Procedure- State Qualifier: Fischer Tharp as Chairman, Cody Davis, Rebekah Lucas, Ashleigh King and Ben Lucas.  Not in attendance was Drew Weber.


Agronomy – State Qualifier: Ben Lucas, Ayden Wilroy, Riley Vogler and Ally Demott.


Soils: Kalen LaHue, Fischer Tharp, Cody Davis, and Ashleigh King.  Not in attendance was Drew Weber.


Knowledge: Remington Stoner, Corbin Hale, Ethan Lucas.  Not in attendance were Jack Raison and Alivia Baucom.



Rock Port FFA Chapter Trapshooters competed once a month in Smithville, Missouri. Pictured are Corbin Hale, Remington Stoner, Austin Wallace, Cayden Criger, Aaron Lawrence and Austin Stoner. Not in attendance were Colby Lansdown, Kalyn Mertens and Jack Raison.

With Appreciation & Special Recognition


Cecil Demott – Nominated the Chapter for a $2,500 Monsanto grant he received.

Alan Lager – Ag Choice donated wood chips for the FFA week petting zoo.


Dan Lucas – Recognized AgriVision’s generous use of their equipment for the school farm.


Mr. Kenny Lucas – recognized for lending equipment to the school farm.


Representing the FFA Alumni Chapter: Dan Lucas, Afton Schomburg, Marlene Demott, Mike Herron and Linda Herron. This is a fledgling chapter welcoming new members and all about supporting FFA.


Senior parents received Certificates of Appreciation from the FFA Rock Port Chapter for all they have done in helping their child through FFA: Marlene and Cecil Demott, Melanie and Dan Lucas and Di and Kelly Davis.


Representing the Rock Port R-II Schools administration and Board of Education were: Ethan Sickels, Dan Lucas, Afton Schomburg and Harold Lawrence. The certificate was in appreciation for allowing the FFA students to attend functions that require being absent from school.


Mr. Richard Fentiman- FFA Chapter bus driver received this certificate of appreciation for all his driving and his help preparing students for contests.


Also receiving Certificates of Recognition from the FFA Rock Port Chapter were: Atchison County Mail – for all the newspaper coverage, Morgan Trust – for the help funding trips for the students, Atchison County Law Enforcement – always there to get the tractors from the fair grounds to the school during FFA Week, Hy-Vee – for the fish fry donations, Ryan Meyerkorth and Dave Alitz – for the seed donations to the school farm, MO Valley Ag – for providing all the chemicals and fertilizer for the school farm, and Wally Riebesell for all he does to keep the trap shooting team going and along with MO Valley he is the lead sponsor of the Rock Port FFA Chapter’s fish fry fundraiser.