April 29, 1993
• The Tarkio High School Jr./Sr. Prom was held Saturday, April 27, at the Tarkio Community Building. There was a tie in the voting for the prom king, so there were two named this year, Kurtis Clark and Pat Martin. Julie Holtz was named Prom Queen.
• Tarkio Cub Scout Robert Mitchell won the District Pine Wood Derby in the Webelos Division Saturday, April 24, in Maryville, Missouri.
April 25, 1968
• A program of International Study, which has been designated to include all Tarkio College students by 1970, will go into operation beginning in September, according to Dr. William H. Schechter, president of the college. The foreign study program in Egypt will be operated at the Schutz American School in Alexandria. Tarkio College overseas students will also live at the Student Movement House, located across the street from the University of London, and will study with Tarkio College overseas faculty and attend lectures in British universities.
• Tewkesbury Abbey, an early Norman building, was the setting for a concert April 23 by the Tarkio College Concert Choir, which is presently traveling through the British Isles on a three-week concert-study tour. The Benedictine monastery, Tewkesbury Abbey, was founded in 715.
April 30, 1943
• Delivery was made to Atchison County this week by the state game conservation commission of 24 pairs of mated quail. They were distributed in boxes containing three pairs by Peck Walkup to farmers from different parts of the county who released them on their grounds.
• Women have proven such a success as inspectors of Army Signal Corps equipment that they now make up 40% of the inspection force, according to the War Department. The woman does the entire inspection job, from the mechanical work on the assembly line to the final inspection of the extremely complex electrical equipment.