The Fairfax FCCLA 2018-19 officers installed at the banquet April 16, 2018, include, from left to right: Historian – Jaelynn Hill, Secretary – Destany Theas, President – Shanna Gilpin, Vice-President – Shelbey Morris, and Reporter – Morgan O’Riley. Treasurer Kinley Thornhill is not pictured.


FCCLA 2017-18 President Shelbey Morris handed out Red and White awards to parents, faculty, ad­ministration, bus­i­nes­ses, and community members who have helped the chapter throughout the year.


Tacy Mitchell presented her star event chapter review portfolio. She received gold at regionals and advanced to state receiving gold there as well.

By Morgan O’Riley FCCLA Reporter

The annual FCCLA awards banquet was held on April 16, 2018. Shelbey Morris opened up with the FCCLA opening ceremony. Morgan O’Riley gave the invocation before eating dinner. The desserts were provided by the members and the rest of the food was purchased by the chapter.
During this time there was a