The Rock Port Board of Aldermen met April 18, 2018, at Rock Port City Hall with Mayor Chris Chamberlain presiding. Board members present were Ron Deatz, Tim Taylor, Lavon Paukert, and Todd Stevens. Also present were City Superintendent Trevor Hale, Chief of Police Shannon Sherwood, Deputy Clerk Emily Schulte and City Clerk Ashtin Paris.
Mayor Chamberlain called the meeting to order.
Clerk Paris swore in newly-elected officials, North Ward Alderman Todd Stevens and South Ward Alderman Tim Taylor. Taylor moved to add Business item c. Appoint Mayor Pro Tem to the meeting agenda and to approve the meeting agenda. Paukert seconded. All votes aye.
Paukert moved to approve the March 21, 2018, meeting minutes. Deatz seconded. All votes aye.
Taylor moved to approve the City financial statements, accounts payables, tax report, delinquent tax list, and all board and departmental reports. Deatz seconded. All votes aye.
Deatz moved to approve the Utility financial statements, accounts payables, purchased power and water statements, take or pay water use report, water loss reports, Utility Clerk report and City Superintendent report. Taylor seconded. All votes aye.
Bill #1194 – Declaring real estate as surplus property and authorizing sale of property to Brian Kelly, was read. Taylor moved to approve the first reading. Deatz seconded. Roll call vote was taken. Deatz, Stevens, Paukert and Taylor voted aye. Nay – none. Absent – none. Deatz moved to approve the second reading. Paukert seconded. Roll call vote was taken. Deatz, Stevens, Paukert and Taylor voted aye. Nay – none. Absent – none. Mayor Chamberlain declared Bill #1194, Ordinance #1194.
The Mayor’s board appointments and board liaison appointments were discussed. Paukert moved to approve the Mayor’s board appointments and board liaison appointments. Stevens seconded. All votes aye.
Those appointments and ending term date were:
Board of Adjustment: Cory Amthor, April 2023; Tim Taylor, Alderman Liaison, April 2019
Health Board: Melissa Masonbrink, April 2020; Steve Proctor, April 2020
Park Board: Jill Lager, April 2021; Sheena Roup, April 2021; Tawni Ellis, April 2021; Todd Stevens, Alderman Liaison, April 2019
Tourism Board: Chris Shimmel, April 2021; Lavon Paukert, Alderman Liaison, April 2019
Deatz motioned that Alderman Stevens be appointed Mayor Pro Tem. Taylor seconded. All votes aye.
Chief of Police Shannon Sherwood reported the Rock Port Police Department issued 392 new case numbers, 51 reports were written, and there were 10 assists with other agencies during the month of March. Chief Sherwood and Officer Chandler attended the D.A.R.E. graduation at Rock Port Elementary as well.
City Clerk Ashtin Paris reported there will be a proposal at the May meeting for an outside company to consult the City on establishing set job descriptions and pay scales. City Clerk Paris also reminded the Board of the National Day of Prayer being held at the Memorial Building on May 3.
City Superintendent Trevor Hale reported they have been continuing to work on ditch digging for the northwest side of town. Some water loss continues to be problematic, but they have been seeing some relief in the past week due to fixes. There have been talks with Mr. Walker at the school and a plan is being developed for road work to begin on Calhoun Street in the near future. Hale also reported the City has been successful in the sale of a couple pieces of unnecessary equipment.
Alderman Taylor inquired whether anyone had heard updates regarding the building at 301 S. Main Street. City Clerk Paris informed the board that MIRMA is working on a letter regarding this property that we can expect to receive soon.
Alderman Deatz inquired on possible Dollar General updates. It is believed they are purchasing property just outside of city limits.
Alderman Stevens informed the Board of the great work M & L Tree Service did recently in our park. Stevens also mentioned local youth wrestlers assisted the efforts with branch clean-up.
Mayor Chamberlain reminded everyone of the city-wide clean-up taking place on April 28.
Taylor moved to adjourn. Stevens seconded. All votes aye.