Atchison County Associate Circuit Judge, Corey K. Herron, attended the 103rd Annual Meeting and Conference of the Missouri Association of Probate and Associate Circuit Judges (MAPACJ) held April 11-13, 2018, at Osage Beach, Mo., in conjunction with the annual meeting of the Missouri Professional Association of Court Clerks.
The MAPACJ provides continuing legal education for its members at its annual three-day conference. Membership is open to all state probate judges, associate circuit judges and commissioners in Missouri’s 46 judicial circuits. Among the nearly 200 judges and commissioners registered were judges from the Missouri Supreme Court and Court of Appeals. Judge Herron as the association’s vice-president for 2017-18 was charged with planning the annual conference which included topics covering issues in probate, human trafficking issues, basics of Metrology (science of measurements), developments in child custody law, open records, ethical considerations involving social and news media, drug recognition and trends, state legislative and budget updates, municipal courts, commercial motor vehicles and criminal law matters. A special presentation on the State Constitution was presented by Missouri’s Chief Justice, Zel M. Fischer (formerly Atchison County Associate Circuit Judge). Judge Fischer also presented the annual Judicial Address to the judges and clerks attending the conference.
At the organization’s business meeting, the officers and board of directors for the coming year were elected, with Judge Herron elected president for 2018-19. Judge Herron has served as Probate and Associate Circuit Judge for Atchison County since 2008.
Judge Herron Elected President of MAPACJ
May 1, 2018