By Georgia Gilley
The TEC Club met at the home of Pam Cooper on Tuesday, April 24, 2018. It was a perfect spring day and Percy, the Australian shepherd, greeted us properly under Pam’s guidance. All members were present and the high score was won by Martha Shaffer who drew the high card at the end of the games. Martha and Merylan Lowrey had the same score, staying partners all afternoon.  No one was able to unseat them so second high went to Merylan who drew the lower card. Norma Bradfield had no such luck with low score honestly won.
Pam was hostess and served a pineapple sunshine cake, certainly the right thing for the spring day. That started the conversation about food. First it was how easy it was to make a pumpkin roll. I know that it is not true. I have tried three times and now stick strictly to pumpkin pie. Then Martha mentioned that she served homemade popovers for breakfast. I’m just not prepared for anything requiring hand-whisking for two minutes. I looked up the recipe on the net that said mixing by hand makes fluffier popovers. Then cream puffs came up and that dough is called pate-de-choux. That’s pronounced   ‘pat a shoe’ or at least that’s what the net said. I decided pancakes would do for me. Anyway, I found out we have some gourmet cooks in our pitch crowd, but we have never had any cream puffs or popovers either. Why?