The FFA members who participated in the State FFA Choir included, from left to right: front row – Katy Baker and Gena Mitchell; and back row – Ben Bowling, Max Hopkins, and Conner Marshall.

Submitted By Ben Bowling Fairfax FFA Chapter Historian

On May 2, 2018, the Fairfax FFA Chapter held its annual FFA banquet in the high school gym at 6:00 p.m. FFA member Max Hopkins gave the invocation and then everyone enjoyed a dinner, as well as a slideshow created by FFA Reporters Jaycee Graves and Shelbey Morris.
The 2017-18 scrapbook was dedicated to Ron and Trudy Baker. This year’s FFA Greenhands were presented their Greenhand Degree. Recipients included: Kaden Cooper, Gena Mitchell, Ian Hedlund, Jaelynn Hill, Morgan O’Riley, Nick Hardisty, and Cole Miller. The FFA Creed Speaker was Gena Mitchell. Gena Mitchell was named Star Greenhand. This year’s Chapter Degrees were presented to Trey Agnew, Keevan Baker, Ben Bowling, Trey Bowing, Wyatt Burke, Kilea Cooper, Jaycee Graves, Jesse Graves, Shelbey Morris, and Dillan Palmer. Jaycee Graves was named the FFA Star Chapter Farmer. This year’s Leadership Awards were presented to: freshmen – Kaden Cooper, Ian Hedlund, and Gena Mitchell; sophomores – Jaycee Graves, Jesse Graves, Kilea Cooper, Ben Bowling, Morgan O’Riley, and Wyatt Burke; juniors – Zachary Garrison, Shelbey Morris, Tyler Brown, Katy Baker, Max Hopkins, and Jordan Sutter; seniors – Tacy Mitchell, Leslie Bradley, Conner Marshall, Mickayla Bowling, and Keevan Baker. The Scholarship Awards were presented to freshman Gena Mitchell, sophomore Jaycee Graves, junior Jordan Sutter, and senior Keevan Baker. The Blue Jacket Award, sponsored by Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Fields and Cy, was presented to Leslie Bradley. Top fruit salesperson for the year was Jaelynn Hill. Each year one of our chapter members has the opportunity to interview for an area officer position for Area 1 FFA Association. This year Jaycee Graves interviewed in Cameron, Missouri, for one of 11 officer positions. She was selected by an interviewing committee as the 2018-2019 Area 1 Sentinel.
We had the privilege of having retiring state officer Dakota Allen attend the banquet and deliver a very heartwarming speech at the end of the banquet. Due to having weather problems the night was a little longer than planned, but after the storm passed we just continued the banquet. During the night, members, parents, administration, and supporters of the Fairfax FFA shared a nice dinner, many laughs, and a celebration of the chapter’s achievements throughout the year. At the banquet, many awards were handed out for various achievements and honors. This year’s Honorary Members recognized were Mr. and Mrs. Dean Palmer, Mrs. Abby Palmer, Mr. Kent Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. Josh  Oswald, and Mr. and Mrs. Chris Smith. The Fairfax FFA Chapter would like to thank the entire community for waiting patiently during the storm, and all of the continuous support to the FFA!


Leadership pin recipients

Fairfax FFA members who received leadership pins included, from left to right: front row – Wyatt Burke, Shelbey Morris, Kilea Cooper, Gena Mitchell, Katy Baker, Jaycee Graves, Leslie Bradley, Tacy Mitchell, and Keevan Baker; and back row – Morgan O’Riley, Jesse Graves, Zach Garrison, Kaden Cooper, Ben Bowling, Tyler Brown, Conner Marshall, Jordan Sutter, Max Hopkins, and Mickayla Bowling.


Chapter FFA Degree

The Fairfax FFA members who received the Chapter Degree included, from left to right: front row – Jaycee Graves, Jesse Graves, Kilea Cooper, Dillan Palmer, Wyatt Burke, and Shelbey Morris; and back row – Trey Agnew, Trey Bowling, Ben Bowling, and Keevan Baker.


Top Fruit Sales

Jaelynn Hill, left, received an award for having the top fruit sales this year. The award was presented by Zach Garrison, right, treasurer.


Blue Jacket Award

Leslie Bradley, Secretary, left, received the Blue Jacket Award from President Tacy Mitchell, right.


State FFA Vice-President

Dakota Allen, State FFA Vice-President, spoke at the banquet.

American FFA Degree

Halle Sutter, left, received the American FFA Degree. Fairfax FFA Advisor Jeremy Palmer, right, presented the award.


Scholarship Awards

The FFA Scholarship Awards were presented to Gena Mitchell, Jaycee Graves, Jordan Sutter, and Keevan Baker.


Star Chapter Agribusiness Award

Max Hopkins, left, received the Star Chapter Agribusiness Award at the banquet. The award was presented by Zach Garrison.


Area 1 Officer and Star Chapter Farmer

Jaycee Graves, left, was recognized for being elected the 2018-2019 Area 1 Sentinel. Her award was presented by Fairfax FFA President Tacy Mitchell. Jaycee was also named the Star Chapter Farmer.


Trap Shoot Team

The Trap Shoot Team was recognized at the banquet. Members include, from left to right: front row – Jaycee Graves, Leslie Bradley, Tacy Mitchell, Shelbey Morris, and Jesse Graves; and back row – Zach Garrison, Max Hopkins, Trey Agnew, Jordan Sutter, Keevan Baker, and Tyler Brown. Not pictured is Cole Miller.


2018-19 Fairfax FFA Officers

The 2018-19 Fairfax FFA Officers were installed at the banquet. Officers include, from left to right: front row – Gena Mitchell – Co-Reporter, Shelbey Morris – Secretary, Jesse Graves – Parliamentarian, and Katy Baker – Co-Reporter; and back row – Max Hopkins – Sentinel, Zach Garrison – Vice-President, Tyler Brown – Treasurer, Jaycee Graves – President, and Ben Bowling – Historian.



Star Greenhand

Gena Mitchell, left, was named Star Greenhand at the banquet. She was also recognized for placing 4th high individually in the Knowledge Contest at the Northwest Fall Contest. Presenting Gena her medal was Leslie Bradley, right.


Courtesy Corps

Courtesy Corps members recognized at the banquet included, from left to right, Jaycee Graves, Kilea Cooper, Mickayla Bowling, and Jesse Graves.


Fairfax FFA Seniors

The Fairfax FFA Chapter’s senior members include, from left to right: front row – Mickayla Bowling, Leslie Bradley, and Tacy Mitchell; and back row – Dylan Jeffords, Trey Agnew, Conner Marshall, Shane Wallace, and Keevan Baker, with Advisor Jeremy Palmer.


FFA Honorary Degree recipients

Receiving honorary FFA recognition were members of the community, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Palmer, Mrs. Abby Palmer and Oscar (pictured on the left), Mr. Kent Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. Josh Oswald (pictured on the right), and Mr. and  Mrs. Chris Smith.


FFA Greenhands

The Fairfax FFA Chapter’s Greenhand Degree recipients included, from left to right, Morgan O’Riley, Kaden Cooper, Gena Mitchell, Katy Baker, and Jaelynn Hill.