May 20, 1993
• The Village Workshop in Westboro, Missouri, is becoming quite the booming business. The Village Workshop employs from six to eight people depending on the number necessary, but owner Jim Powell says he could employ up to 20 at the really busy times. The business specializes in wood items and are sold wholesale in the five state region. The trellis and arbors are made and sold mainly to Earl May and are made to May’s specifications.
• Tarkio High School will be sending 14 tracksters to Jefferson City, Missouri, to compete in the State Track Meet. They include Corey Lesher, Marli Summa, Jodi Nuckolls, Dana Brion, Missy Defenbaugh, Eric Levings, Travis Chambers, Melanie Smith, Nic Alberti, Tiffani Harrington, Angelica Erickson, Aaron Defenbaugh, Julie Holtz, and Darin Lee.
May 16, 1968
• Charles Wright, chairman of the beautification committee of Tarkio Community Betterment, was hard at work Monday planting the flower boxes downtown with numerous red Comanche petunias and white geranium plants. There are over forty boxes and each one will soon be adding a touch of color to the downtown scene.
• The 1968-69 Tarkio High School varsity cheerleaders are Kayla Musch, Terry Freeman, Jane Rhoades, Marilyn Alsup, Becky Low, and Karen Mehaffey.
May 21, 1943
• A most unusual display of pictures of former Tarkio College students now engaged in waging war against our enemies as well as clippings and views has been arranged by Prof. E. V. McCollough of the college faculty. The public is invited to see the collection in room 107 Rankin Hall.
• Conjoined twin calves were born Sunday at the Elmer Millsap place southwest of town, which is being operated by Charles Stevens, Jr. Unfortunately the calves had to be put down in an effort to save the cow, as they appeared abnormal enough that they probably would have lived. The calves were born with two perfectly normal heads and necks, three normal front legs, two normal hind legs, and another leg that was a combination front and hind leg, which had both a knee and hock, and two normal tails. Apparently, inside the hide which was wrapped loosely about the carcasses, there were two normal bodies which were joined at the flank, Siamese fashion.